Here again are some notes from the meeting, sketchy and by no means complete, just listing some of the issues raised through questions and discussion after each presentation. Daniel Heuchel - PandoraPFA Confusion Studies for Two Particle AHCAL Events and ILD Jets ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Katja: about data validation Gerald: slide 24 & ILD Shubham Pandey - Status of the pion analysis of the combined HGCAL+AHCAL setup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Marina: slide 27, should select deeper layer Daniel: shower start finder & cut variable Frank: slide 25: is .. a constant (vs global) to match MC Katja: mention publication Olin: choice of simulations dedicated? EMN (CMS) Roman: which GEANT4? 10.3 -> 10.4.3 Roman: radial profile shows discrepancy, zoom around beam pipe, check with GEANT Olin Pinto -Study of shower shapes recorded with the CALICE AHCAL in 2018 Test Beam Data ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marina: negative values? Gamma function used? Fabricio Andres Jimenez Morales - Implementation of the digitization for the SiW-ECAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Katja: negative times from earlier hits? FC: something about time period (forgot!) Adrian Irles - Optimization of the LCIO RawCalorimeterHit for CALICE -------------------------------------------------------------------- Roman: important, Technical Board should be involved how to simulate bunch trains? make (very) sure code will not crash Gerald: replace raw cal hits? since we are the only users, it should affect only us Katja: good mode, cycle number should be stored or is it already available? even ID could cover many cells, info needed for calibration Roman: should be reviewed(?) before next collaboration meeting Taikan: array structure instead of .. ? Sergey Korpachev - ANN-based prediction of shower properties using global observables for validation of Geant4 hadronic models ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FC: which are the hyperparameters of NN? slide 15: what is the small side peak on left plot? Zoom participants (33) ---------------------- Adrian Irles Anna Rosmanitz Antoine Laudrain Arnaud Steen Corrado Gatto Daniel Heuchel Fabricio Jimenez Felix Sefkow Francois Corriveau Frank Simon Gerald Grenier Jerry Glazey Jesus Marquez Hernandez Jiri Kvasnicka Jonas Kunath Julian Utehs Katja Kruger Lorenz Emberger Marina Chadeeva Olin Pinto Roman Poeschl Ryunosuke Masuda Seema Sharma Sergey Korpachev Shubham Pandey Taikan Suehara Tohru Takeshita Tomoki Onoe Vladimir Bocharnikov Wataru Ootani Yalcin Guler Yuichi Okugawa Yuki Ueda Concluding remarks ------------------ Thanks again to all presenters and participants! Don't forget to consider writing CALICE Notes and papers from your analyses! Best wishes!