- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
- LCC style
Zoom Connection:
TV meeting(via KEK Zoom):
2. meeting ID: 999 3983 7618
passcode: 153618
J.Tian, T.Suehara, A.Das, M.Kuhara, S.Tsumura, T.Mizuno, T.Onoe, K.Yumino, K.Hidaka, Y.Aoki, D.Jeans, K. Fujii, Y. Kato
— announcement
ILC detector / physics / software planning proposal submitted to IPNS
ILC Summer Camp open for registration
ILCX Workshop open for registration
IDT-Software Tutorial on LCFI+ (T. Suehara)
JSPS Kakenhi for FY2022 open for application
J. Tian co-chair replaced by S. Kawada
— focused talk by J. Nakajima was cancelled.
— Single Top-quark Production at the ILC250 (K. Hidaka)
FCNC e+e- —> t+q-bar: t-Z-q coupling, t-gamma-q coupling
ALTAS / CMS limit on t—>Zq, t—>Hq, t—>gamma q, ~BR 10^-4
various references available in slides
need to study: cross section of e+e- —> t q within upper limit; benchmark point
t—>Zc in RS 10^-5
t—>Hc using t t-bar @ ILC500, BR in 2HDM > 10^-4
EFT analysis
forward slides to Y.Kato
— roundtable
- study of e+e- -> gamma + higgs (Y. Aoki)
status: working on notes; addressing comment by K.Hidaka about 2-parameter bound
- e+e- —> tau tau (K. Yumino)
Migration to C++
impact parameter and cone method
SMEFT analysis: implementing models
- A_LR measurement using radiative return process (T. Mizuno)
progress: working on producing calibration constant as function of polar angle & energy;
Q: statistics problem? >100 GB in root
Q: how acceptance is calculated?
A: reconstructed divided by MC truth histogram
Q: x-axis is for MC pi polarimeter?
C: should always use MC histogram before & after selection
- Higgs exotic decay & kinematic fitting (Y. Kato)
question to Hidaka san: what is latest reference
reported Higgs exotic analysis at ILD S&A meeting on Wednesday
to add 6-fermion background
working on Z—>ee channel
updated upper limit calculation by restricting events in a mass window
alternative model for H—>bb+missing
— Next week’s focused talk: skip for general physics meeting
— 73rd general physics meeting: invited talk to discuss; to ask Sumino san again.