Attending: Andy, Austin, Caterina, Chris P, Dan, Jim, Marty, (Apologies: Chris D)
- Jim talked about Higgs → strange tagging with K0→π0 π0 in the MAPS ECal; first look at this, optimisation still to be done; next will have to put these distributions into the SiD MAPS Digital ECal to study reconstruction
- Marty asked if these MAPS studies will lead to re-optimising the detector, e.g. radiation thicknesses. He pointed out that a MAPS design could result in substantial savings for SiD.
- Caterina - looking at strange tagging in 𝑯 → 𝒔 𝒔 bar at ILD - might give a talk at a future meeting
- Andy talked about studies of energy resolution in hadronic Z decays (e+e- → ZH, Z → q q bar), and comparison with a similar ILD study; using HCal from version SiD_o2_v03
- ILCx meeting next month
Next meeting: October 6th, 2021
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