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Meeting ID: 864 923 1402
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CALICE sub-panel on Diversity Charter, Meeting 28/9/21
Attendees: F. Simon, L. Masetti, F. Corriveau, L. Linssen, K. Krüger, M.C. Fouz, T. Suehara, J. Maalmi, R.P.
Draft Mail to Diversity Group.
Dear Members of the Diversity Group and Chairs of APPEC, ECFA and NuPECC,
in CALICE we have discussed the new version of the Diversity Charter of the 11th of May 2021 that was sent to us on the 23rd of June 2021.
Let us first thank the Diversity Group and the APPEC, ECFA, NuPECC managements that the new version of the Charter and the revised way of data monitoring replies to our concerns we had to the first draft of the Charter. The new version has been received very positively by CALICE. We have, however, two further points that require from our point of view further clarification:
1) Second bullet in Sec.2 of the Charter: We propose to split this bullet point into two separate points. One in which the collaborations, conferences etc. are encouraged to help ensuring a balanced composition of the committees in overarching bodies (such as APPEC, ECFA, NuPECC) and a second one in which they are encouraged to ensure a balance within their own entity. We have the impression that this second bullet points mixes these things, which renders this point very unclear.
2) Section 2, text below the bullet points: We would like to ask to formulate more precisely how a new version of the Charter is dealt with. From our point of view there are two ways a) Changes are implemented by APPEC, ECFA, NuPECC assemblies and signatories of the Charter are asked for approval or b) a new version of the Charter is proposed for signature to the community.
Before we will take the decision on whether or not to sign the Charter we would like to ask you to address these two points in a new version.
Best regards,
Roman Pöschl