28 February 2022 to 2 March 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

The string landscape predicts: light higgsinos at ILC

2 Mar 2022, 22:40


Howard Baer (University of Oklahoma)


Our current understanding of string theory is that the 4-d laws of physics are determined by the topological properties of the compactified manifold. There may be 10^500 (or many more) possibilities, and indeed this gives at present our only understanding of the tiny yet non-zero value of the cosmological constant. Arguments suggest the landscape of string vacua favor large soft SUSY breaking terms, but these must be tempered by a value for the weak scale which lies within the ABDS window. This scenario then predicts a Higgs mass m(h)~125 GeV with sparticles beyond present LHC bounds. It also predicts light higgsinos in the range
m(higgsino)~100-350 GeV. The ILC with sqrt(s)~500-600 GeV would then be a higgsino pair factory in addition to a Higgs factory. We show sparticle and Higgs mass probability distributions using the new DEW4SLHA code which can be used to calculate the pocket-universe weak scale in vacua where the MSSM is the low energy EFT from any SUSY Les Houches Accord output file.

Primary authors

Mr Dakotah Martinez (University of Oklahoma) Howard Baer (University of Oklahoma) Prof. Vernon Barger (University of Wisconsin)

Presentation materials