CET-friendly: Session E1
- Werner Porod (Uni. Würzburg)
- Mikael Berggren (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
CET-friendly: Session E3
- Werner Porod (Uni. Würzburg)
- Mikael Berggren (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
CET-friendly timezone
"The direct pair-production of the tau-lepton superpartner, stau, is one
of the most interesting channels to search for SUSY. First of all the stau is
with high probability the lightest of the scalar leptons. Secondly the
signature of stau pair production signal events is one of the most difficult
ones, yielding to the 'worst' and so most global scenario for the searches.
The current...
One of the primary goals of the proposed future collider experiments is to search for dark matter (DM) particles using different experimental approaches. High energy e+e- colliders offer unique possibility for the most general search based on the mono-photon signature. As any e+e- scattering process can be accompanied by a hard photon emission from the initial state radiation, analysis of the...
Supersymmetry offers a portal to study neutrino physics via sneutrinos. I shall discuss a signature that can be only detected at an electron-positron collider, namely the production of a charged higgsino pair, one of them subsequently decaying to a charged lepton and a right-sneutrino LSP. This decay is rare, with a branching ratio O(10^-5) and hence the clean environment and fixed partonic...
I report on studies and possible BSM scenarios with (Higgs) scalars of masses < 125 GeV. This talk is based on similar overview talks at the CEPC/ FCC workshops within the last half year, and is tailored be used as a foundation for a Snowmass White Paper on this topic.