27–29 Sept 2023
Europe/Paris timezone


Conference location

The meeting room is located in newly built "SOLID21" building (on the photo above) next to the main builing of FZU. The address of new building is not yet on most of the maps, so closest address of the neighboring FZU building is: Pod Vodarenskou vezi 1999/1, 18200 Prague 8

Exact location: 50.123477N, 14.469949E

links to the maps: https://goo.gl/maps/VNJRz9XBZdqdF2KF6 , https://en.mapy.cz/s/regudomuse

Recommended walking routes from the Metro/subway station "Ladvi" are shown on the map, the dashed blue route is prefered due to nearby constructions:


The door to the entrance to the "Solid21" building (the main meeting location) is acccess-card restricted. We will keep the door open during the registration, but in case nobody is around, an entrance via the main gate is possible. The reception desk will have a list with the names of participants.

Satellite meetings will take place in smaller meeting room, as shown with blue color on the map.