LCUK Silicon Meeting



Joel Goldstein (Bristol University), Joel Goldstein (University of Bristol (GB))
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LCUK Vidyo Meeting 13/5/15

Attendees: Phil, Georg, Glenn, Todd, Tim, Wing, Daniella, Yvonne, Joost, Peter, Chris, Aidan, J.G.

Apologies: Konstantin


Phil reported on the recent ALCWS. It was clear that the Japanese are still very serious about hosting the machine, with the decision-making process expected to take another year or so. There are ongoing activities at high political levels, including a Japanese delegation going to Washington.

Power Estimates

Konstantin could not attend the meeting, but provided slides outlining his estimates of the power consumption of the tracker. The discussion of these calculations will be continued by e-mail and next month.


Georg presented a list of further requirements fo be incorporated, including points for clarification and discussion. It was agreed that although the requirements are hosted on a wiki, JG should act as editor, so he will add Georg's list.

Strawman Module

Wing has made a first CAD drawing of a module. This should be viewed as a strawman, agnostic (or easily adaptable) to future technology choices.


It was agreed that someone (probably Joost) should give a talk on our activties at the forthcoming CLIC meeting

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 12:00 12:10
      News and Announcements 10m
      Speaker: Dr Joel Goldstein (Bristol University)
    • 12:10 12:25
      Power Estimates 15m
      Speakers: Dr Fergus Wilson (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Dr Konstantin Stefanov (The Open University)
    • 12:25 12:40
      Requirements Update 15m
      Speaker: Georg Viehhauser (University of Oxford)
      Requirements table
    • 12:40 12:50
      Strawman Module 10m
      Speaker: Dr Wing Lau (Oxford Unversity)
    • 12:50 13:00
      AOB 10m