The 2020 update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics declared “An electron-positron Higgs factory is the highest priority next collider.” The current update of the ESPP requests the “preferred option for the next collider at CERN”. Thus, the most important question for the study must be: If this collider would be a Higgs factory, which Higgs factory should it be?
The result of the study will affect particle physics globally. So, we encourage all particle physicists to study the options and weigh in on their relative merit.
Within the community of physicists interested in linear e+e- collider-based Higgs factories, we have formed a study group called "LC Vision" that has aimed to propose the best e+e- Higgs factory for CERN. Our editorial team
Masaya Ishino (KEK), Jenny List (DESY), Tatsuya Nakada (EPFL), Michael Peskin (SLAC), Roman Poeschl (IJCLab), Aidan Robson (Glasgow), Steinar Stapnes (CERN)
is now preparing a white paper to be submitted to the European Strategy Group, which proposes a Linear Collider Facility at CERN as the next major CERN project, including an addendum providing technical background for this proposal. A more comprehensive second document gives an update on physics opportunities and upgrade stretagies for Linear Colliders in general.
Draft versions of these documents, background information on this proposal, and links to support and join this initiative are given on the "Scientific Programme" page of this site.