LCTPC WP meeting #2



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Ron Settles (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik)
2nd: PRC presentation, LP time schedule, LP web page, Aleph & LC endplates
Summary of mtg 07/06/2006 ----------------------------- Wednesday 7 June West Coast East Coast W.Europe Japan 07.00 10.00 16.00 23.00 Present: Ties Behnke Paul Colas Madhu Dixit Dean Karlen Takeshi Matsuda Joachim Mnich Luciano Musa Dan Peterson Ron Settles Jan Timmermans Excused: Leif Jonnson, Akira Sugiyama, Peter Wienemann AGENDA ---------- See, (the pdf file for Akira's foil#19 has been fixed now, so don't forget to click "reload" before you download it) or AGENDA 1.General information 2.Overall time schedule for the LP work 3.Future phonemeetings 4.Setup for email lists, LP R&D program 5.Setup for the LCTPC/LP web page 6.Experience with the endplate for the Aleph TPC and comparison with ideas up to now 7.AOB 1.General information (foil#3) --------------------------------- All of the information wrt the PRC 11/12 May is at, the written report, Peter's talk, my comments to the closed session and the PRC recommendations; meanwhile the recommendations have been circulated to the TPC groups. 2.Overall time schedule for the LP work (foil#4) --------------------------------------------------- We took note of the milestones for the Eudet facility which can serve as guidelines for us: ->Available at the end of 2006 will be: the magnet, a prototpye Altro chip and a prototpye Timepix chip. The TPC fieldcage is to be ready at the middle of 2007 and 1000 Altro channels at the end of 2007. A prototype for the SiTPC is scheduled for the end of 2008. ->This means that the boundary conditions for our LP endplate design should be agreed on by the end of 2006, so that the endplate is manufactured and ready for commissioning by the end of 2007. The R&D can then start in 2008. ->A discussion followed: - Ties and Joachim noted that several boundary conditions had been identified at the Amsterdam meeting January 4/5 this year (the notes are attached to this email). - Dan thought that a pre-protoype endplate to test mechanical issues may be useful, and such a pre-endplate could be ready earlier (mid 2007, when the fieldcage is to be ready). - Madhu asked how gem/micromegas differences will affect the density of electronic channels. Luciano's answer is the next item: - Luciano first overviewed the status: Lund is studying the density of channels, a new programmable shaper is designed, 50 samples fabricated in May and is about ready. At end June several new Altro channels can be tried out on a padboard with gem or micromegas. - To the question about pad shapes/densities, Luciano suggested we might use flexible connectors between pads and electronics as the easiest way to be ready for different pad geometries. In response to Dan, the electronics could be mounted on cards which would be connected by flexible cables to a pad plane. Luciano said he would discuss with Leif about the options, including the cooling of the Altro chips. Maybe some ideas will be ready for our next phonemeeting. - Madhu asked how similar the LP-endplate layout should be to the LCTPC one, and RS thought that as many features of the LCTPC as possible should be tried out, but the ideas for the LCTPC endplates have to be developed first, which is the reason for item#6 on the agenda below. The first version of the LP endplates will test some of these ideas now, and the final iteration in three or four years from now should be a prototype for the final LCTPC endplate. - Dan asked about the geometry of the fieldcage rings in the region of the gas-amplification plane, and Ties replied that drawings up to now have just shown preliminary ideas and feedback is welcome. 3.Future phonemeetings (foil#5) ---------------------------------- Since we have a lot to discuss, RS proposed that we continue with bi-weekly meetings. The next would be around (details will be sent) 20/6, 5/7 and 18/7 (Vancouver). At Vancouver we can decide if the frequency of phonemeetings should be higher, lower or the same. After Vancouver, there are the following possibilities, in addition to phonemeetings (which will continue): ->Paul proposes a WP#1 meeting in Paris in September. ->The annual Eudet meeting will be in Munich 18-20 October. ->The European LC workshop is in Valencia 6-10 November. ->There was some discussion about a Paris meeting. - Paul said possible near dates (later many have to teach) are between 4 and 15 September which still can be booked. The idea would be to have a face-to-face meeting with direct feedback from fieldcage and electronics. - Luciano said information about electronics should be available (he will discuss with Leif). - Ties said the fieldcage may not yet be ready because the Eudet postdoc for it has not yet been hired (they are a little behind schedule). - RS thought September might be too early for a face-to-face meeting with decisions (since we don't know how fast it will go with the phonemeetings where the real progress has to be made) and that planning around Munich or after might be safer. - More discussion followed with pros and cons. For many it was too early to decide. It was suggested that Paul book for the meeting around 11 September (if such a booking can still be cancelled) to reserve the place until we have had more time to think about it. 4.Setup for email lists (foils#6-11), LP R&D program (foil#7) --------------------------------------------------------------- The most complete list of LCTPC people (and it is still evolving) is at It was suggested that each WP generate its mailing list using the institutes in foils#7-11 at and the above Cornell wiki for the names and email addresses. In addition RS suggested that the full LCTPC mailing list be informed of the WP convener meetings to make it easier for them to provide feedback to the discussion. Takeshi asked about the R&D program for the LP (foil#7), and offered to generate a preliminary list of possible topics which can be iterated on with the TPC groups. 5.Setup for the LCTPC/LP web page (foil#12) ---------------------------------------------- The initial LP pages are being set up in RS's webpages at MPI. These will be transferred to (which has been approved) a.s.a.p. 6.Experience with the endplate for the Aleph TPC and comparison with ideas up to now (foils#13-27) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To get more concrete ideas about the LCTPC endplate, which are needed in order to make realistic proposals for the LP endplates, the ideas behind the Aleph endplates, the studies with IPN Orsay about the LCTPC endplates (which are reflected in the LDC DOD) and the thinking at Saga U. about the endplate for the GLD DOD were compared with some ideas from Dan and Paul which were shown at our first phonemeeting. The foils are self-explanatory, so no further description is needed in this summary. 7.AOB -------- Dan has a new set of ideas at which was received too late to be included in today's meeting. They will be on the agenda for the next meeting around 20/6, along perhaps with more info about the electronics from Leif and Luciano.
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