LC TPC WP meeting # 10



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Ron Settles (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik)
10th: LCTPC/LP collaboration, WP planning, future meetings
10th WP meeting 27/09/2006 -------------------------------------------- Wednesday 27 September West Coast East Coast W.Europe Japan 07.00 10.00 16.00 23.00 Present: Ties Behnke Paul Colas Ralf Diener Ivor Fleck Keisuke Fujii Lea Hallermann Michael Hauschild Katsumasa Ikematsu Alexander Kaukher Dean Karlen Takeshi Matsuda Dan Peterson Peter Schade Oliver Schaefer Ron Settles Akira Sugiyama Jan Timmermans AGENDA 27 September 2006 See the agendafoils at 1.News -a.LCTPC/LP Collaboration: status -b.WWS-R&D-panel tracking review at Beijing 2.WP meeting -a.TPC R&D planning (Takeshi) -b.More on the LP electronics and endplate (whoever is ready) 3.Future meetings -Eudetmeeting at MPI 18-20 October -Valencia European WS 6-10 November -Beijing Asian WS February 4-7 February 1. News --------------------------------- 1a. Status of the LCTPC/LP collaboration(foils#3-8) -The proposed structure is shown on foil #4. -The Collaboration-Board (CB) of group representatives is complete for the groups on foil # 5. -Names of both CB and TB are shown on foils #6,7. -A proposal by the interim-SP for the next steps was sent to the CB and TB; the first collaboration meeting was held on 20.09.2006: -There it was said that the structure should be kept simple and that the collaboration must be open to new groups. -It was decided that each region independently select a Regional Coordinator, via vote by that region's CB members, to replace the interim SPs, and that the three Regional Coordinators would choose a chairperson who is the sole Spokesperson. -This should take place a.s.a.p. so that the organization process can proceed without delay; the interim-SPs will organize the selection process for their region. 1b. WWS-R&D-panel tracking review at Beijing (foil#9) After a discussion it was decided that the LCTPC should send an email to Francois Richard (WWSOC chairperson) asking for clarification. RS will formulate the email and send it after getting feedback from the TPC groups. 2. WP Meeting --------------------------------- 2a.TPC R&D planning (Takeshi) (foils#10,11) Questions: -Opinions/discussion on how to stage LP; LP1 and LP2 (LP1.5?)? -The available beam time, which may well be known among the EUDET people? Discussion on the first question: Foil#11 shows the first ideas that were generated at Vancouver. A second iteration on these ideas at today's meeting gave the following result: the development from LP1 (first prototype) to LP2 (real LCTPC prototype endplate) will likely proceed in several iterative steps and take longer (than 2008) before "final decisions" can be made. The process will likely be evolutionary where we decide next steps after seeing how a previous attempt behaves. The LCTPC collaboration should draw up a document outling the ideas. 2b.More on the LP electronics and endplate. Ties gave a status report on the LP fieldcage (prototype) ideas. A meeting was held with U.Hamburg technical people earlier the same day to work out some of the details. Dan is modifying his endplate design to match the 80cm diameter. The region near the gas-amplification plane is sensitive to Gem-Micromegas differences and must be better understood. Martin Killenberg showed ideas at the Paris meeting two weeks ago and should to Desy to meeting with the FC responsibles, so that this question can be resolved as quickly as possible. 3. Future meetings (foil#12) --------------------------------- -The annual Eudet meeting will be in Munich 18-20 October -The European LC workshop in Valencia 6-10 November -The Asan LC workshop in Beijing 4-7 February 2007
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