22–27 Oct 2007
Europe/Zurich timezone

Study of GEM gating for ILC TPC

23 Oct 2007, 15:30
West Wing (WH10NW) (Fermilab)

West Wing (WH10NW)


Batavia IL USA


Dr Akimasa Ishikawa (Saga Univ.)


Abstract: Gating, a suppression system of ion back drift, is one of the most important issues for ILC TPC. Wire was used as a gating system but a large ExB effect may degrate the position resolution in high magnetic field at ILC. GEM is a promissing candidate of the gating system since the ExB effect is smaller due to its fine structure. But the electron transmission efficinecy is not so high for some gas mixtures with standard GEM. We present a simulation study of the GEM gating system with various conditions.

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