22–27 Oct 2007
Europe/Zurich timezone

Micromegas TPC R&D: Panels for the Large Prototype and Cosmic-ray T2K test

23 Oct 2007, 15:50
West Wing (WH10NW) (Fermilab)

West Wing (WH10NW)


Batavia IL USA


Paul Colas (DAPNIA - Centre d'Etudes de Saclay (CEN Saclay))


I will show the present status of the Micromegas panel with a resistive anode design for the Large Prototype and will describe the ongoing R&D toward a resistive bulk Micromegas detector, read out by a new electronics based on the AFTER chip. I will also report on a recent cosmic-ray test of a prototype module of the T2K TPC in the HARP magnet at CERN, read out with this new electronics.

Presentation materials