22–27 Oct 2007
Europe/Zurich timezone


Detector Concepts II - ILD

26 Oct 2007, 13:15


Batavia IL USA


In this meeting we like to follow up the meeting on Tuesday, and discuss how to proceeds towards an LOI for ILD. Short presentations will be followed by significant time for discussions. The times given are indicative, and should not be taken too serious. If other aspects come up during the discussion on Tuesday we will modify the schedule on the spot.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dr Ties Behnke (DESY)
26/10/2007, 13:15
Dr Mark Thomson (University of Cambridge)
26/10/2007, 13:25
Dr Toshiaki Tauchi (KEK)
26/10/2007, 14:25
Prof. Hitoshi Yamamoto (Tohoku University)
26/10/2007, 14:55
Building timetable...