Present: John Osborne, Vic Kuchler, Tom Lackowski, Marco Oriunno, Fred Asiri, Brett Parker, Mike Sullivan, Lew Keller, Tom Markiewicz, Norbert Meyners, Tomo Sanuki, Deepa Angal-Kalinin, Andrei Seryi (+possibly other colleagues missed from the list)
Discussed schedule and points of contacts.
CERN agreed to continue acting as the main point of contact for civil engineering layouts & drawings. Any proposed modifications to the layout of the BDS Area should be sent to J.Osborne for co-ordination.
Discussed the interface document and also the things the may not yet thought about or allowed temporary assumptions. In particular:
Grounding. How quiet electrically the circuits should be.
Cable chains and detector services -- what is needed?
Are there any hazards associated with the detector? If gas, need to know type, volume, ventilation system, etc.
Alignment requirements -- in position as well as angles. Any requirements for the line of sight from alignment point of view?
Discussed the largest crane for the hall or gantry and if the gantry crane could be movable by 20m (the latter is possible, but involve much more safety certification, larger interference with assembly building and additional rails, and likely much more expensive).
Radiation requirements?
Magnetic field, e.g. <50Gs (everywhere or just on the beamline?). International limits for people? Interference with hardware in the hall?
Safety questions in the hall.
T stability, humidity, how well he hall is sealed.
Any facilities needed for commissioning and also for detector in garage position.
Next meeting, will discuss the present design and what assumptions were made. John Osborne will present it.