FFIR meeting

3-325, TV-conference (31110)

3-325, TV-conference (31110)

Toshiaki Tauchi (KEK)
GLD beam pipe configuration
link to WG-A
    • Status and Progree Report
      • 1
        WGA ( detector, assembly )
        Speakers: Dr Tomoyuki Sanuki (University of Tokyo), Dr Yasuhiro Sugimoto (KEK)
      • 2
        WGB (IR magnets, cryogenics, vacuum)
        Speaker: Prof. Kiyosumi Tsuchiya (KEK)
      • 3
        WGC (conventional facility)
        Speaker: Dr atsushi Enomoto (KEK)
      • 4
        WGD (accelerator and particle physics)
        Speaker: Prof. Hitoshi Yamamoto (Tohoku University)
      • 5
        Progress reports
        当面の検討課題は; 土屋氏:"IR magnets and cryogenics system"
        岩下氏:"Permanent-QD0 design for ATF2-IP"
        山岡氏:"QD0 support system"
        黒田氏:"Optics issues with two different L* , e.g. 3.5m and 4.5m "
        杉本氏:"detector assembly on surface and underground"
        阿部氏: "background estimation along beam lines" - thickness of W-mask (support tube) etc.
        槙田氏(低温グループ) : Contact/partner of B.Parker "(anti-)DID, anti-solenoid integration in detector magnet"
        • a) vacuum system in IR region
          Speaker: Dr Yusuke Suetsugu (KEK)
          3D graphicis