Special meeting
Phone meeting of WG4 representatives devoted to discussion of BDS BCD/ACD.
Deepa Angal-Kalinin, Frank Jackson, Philippe Goudket - Daresbury, UK
Grahame Blair - RHUL, UK
Philip Bambade - LAL Orsay, France
Olivier Napoly - CEA Saclay, France
Daniel Schulte - CERN, Switzerland
Shigeru Kuroda, Toshiaki Tauchi - KEK, Japan
Hitoshi Yamamoto - Tohoku University
Bill Morris, Brett Parker - BNL, USA
Lew Keller, Tom Markiewicz, Andrei Seryi, Cherrill Spencer, Glen White, Mark Woodley - SLAC, USA
DRAFT meeting notes are here.
In a summary, the agreed upon edits to the BCD are:
1) BCD states that two IRs are desired and this need to be stressed
2) Write that all versions (20,14,2,0mr) are considered for single IR alternative
3) Move text describing 14mrad design appropriate location
4) Rename Rank 3 (compatibilities with physics programs) to Special Rank, to be weighted later, with input of all physics community
5) Edit text about multi-TeV
Andrei Seryi, 11/11/05
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