14โ€“16 Apr 2008
Cosener's House
Europe/London timezone

Contribution List

46 / 46
Prof. Norman McCubbin (RAL)
14/04/2008, 09:00
Prof. Philip Burrows (Oxford University)
14/04/2008, 09:10
Jim Brau (U. Oregon)
14/04/2008, 09:35
Kurt Krempetz (Fermilab)
14/04/2008, 10:00
Dr Andrei Nomerotski (University of Oxford)
14/04/2008, 11:30
Prof. Brian Foster (University of Oxford)
14/04/2008, 14:00
Wolf-Dieter Schlatter (CERN)
14/04/2008, 14:30
Dr Joel Goldstein (Bristol University)
14/04/2008, 15:00
Dr Ronald Lipton (Fermilab)
14/04/2008, 15:20
Richard Partridge (SLAC)
14/04/2008, 16:25
Mr Ben Jeffery (Oxford University)
14/04/2008, 16:45
Dr Marcel Vos (IFIC Valencia)
14/04/2008, 17:05
Alexei Raspereza (MPI Munich)
14/04/2008, 17:25
Marc Weber (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory-STFC - Science & Technology Facil)
14/04/2008, 17:40
Marcel Demarteau (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL))
14/04/2008, 17:55
Dr Yannis Karyotakis (Lab. d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Phys. des Particules (LAPP/IN2P3/CNRS Uni. de Savoie))
15/04/2008, 08:30
Timothy Nelson (SLAC)
15/04/2008, 08:45
Nigel Watson (Birmingham HEP)
15/04/2008, 09:00
Prof. Harry Weerts (Argonne National Laboratory)
15/04/2008, 09:15
Prof. Andy White (University of Texas at Arlington)
15/04/2008, 09:30
Dr Catherine Juliette Adloff (Universite de Savoie - LAPP)
15/04/2008, 09:45
Vishnu Vikhyat Zutshi (Northern Illinois University)
15/04/2008, 10:00
Christian Kiesling (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik)
15/04/2008, 10:15
Dr Mark Thomson (University of Cambridge)
15/04/2008, 11:00
Dr Stephen Magill (Argonne National Laboratory)
15/04/2008, 11:30
Dr Matthew Charles (The University of Iowa)
15/04/2008, 12:00
Mr Marcel Stanitzki (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
15/04/2008, 14:00
lawrence bronk (MIT)
15/04/2008, 14:30
Prof. Andy White (University of Texas at Arlington)
15/04/2008, 15:00
A general discussion about the open issues in PFA
Martin Breidenbach (SLAC)
15/04/2008, 17:00
Prof. Harry Weerts (Argonne National Laboratory), John Jaros (SLAC)
15/04/2008, 17:20
Prof. Philip Burrows (Oxford University), Dr Thomas Markiewicz (SLAC)
16/04/2008, 08:30
Bill Morse (BNL)
16/04/2008, 09:30
Dr Henry Band (U. Wisconsin)
16/04/2008, 09:50
Prof. Harry Weerts (Argonne National Laboratory)
16/04/2008, 10:40
Prof. Harry Weerts (Argonne National Laboratory), John Jaros (SLAC)
16/04/2008, 11:05
Prof. Harry Weerts (Argonne National Laboratory)
Prof. Harry Weerts (Argonne National Laboratory)
John Jaros (SLAC)