8–12 Jun 2008
Warsaw, Poland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Impact of higher dimensional operators on Higgs boson phenomenology

10 Jun 2008, 09:20
room E (Warsaw, Poland)

room E

Warsaw, Poland


Koji Tsumura (ICTP (Trieste))


We discuss effects of anomalous Higgs boson couplings characterized by dimension-six operators on the Higgs boson production and decay processes at the LHC and the ILC. The decay pattern of the Higgs boson and the production cross section of $gg\to H$, $e^+e^- \to t\bar H$, $e^+e^- \to ZHH$ and $e^+e^- \to \nu\bar\nu HH$ can receive large modifications from the anomalous dim-6 couplings under the constraint from currently available data. We also find that the double Higgs boson production $gg\to HH$ is very sensitive to the dimension-six top-Higgs operator. These effects can be detectable at future collider experiments.

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