8–12 Jun 2008
Warsaw, Poland
Europe/Zurich timezone

Dominant NNLO corrections to W-pair production near threshold.

11 Jun 2008, 10:50
room C (Warsaw, Poland)

room C

Warsaw, Poland


Dr Pietro Falgari (RWTH-Aachen)


The process of W-pair production close to threshold at an electron-positron collider is crucial for a precise determination of the W mass. In this talk we present the dominant NNLO electroweak corrections to the total cross section of e- e+ --> mu- \bar{nu} u \bar{d} X near the W-pair threshold computed in the framework of unstable-particle effective theory, and quantify their impact on the W-mass determination. We also discuss the implementation of realistic experimental cuts on invariant masses and angles in the EFT formalism.

Primary author

Dr Pietro Falgari (RWTH-Aachen)

Presentation materials