7th SiLC Meeting at CERN



7th Collaboration meeting
Minutes of the meeting, as contributed by Aurore Savoy Navarro --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear All The meeting at CERN was indeed fruitful and quite successful. First of all many thanks to Marcos for organizing it and also to all the people that attend it and also all the speakers. Here below is the list of people that were connected or present to the meeting; apologize if I forget someone: Ivan Vila (IFCA), Jordi Duarte (IFCA), Aurore Savoy-Navarro (LPNHE), Zdenek Dolezal (CU Prague), Alexandre Charpy (LPNHE), Jacques David (LPNHE), Thanh Hung Pham (LPNHE), Marcos Fernandez (IFCA), Catalin Ciobanu (LPNHE), Meinhard Regler (HEPHY-Vienna), Alberto Ruiz (IFCA), David Gascon (U. Barcelona), Marko Dragevitch (HEPHY-Vienna), Thomas Bergauer (HEPHY-Vienna), Albert Comerma (U. Barcelona), Daniela Bassignana (CNM-IMB), Wolgang Kiesenhofer (HEPHY-Vienna), Peter Kvaniscka (CU Prague), Winfried Mitaroff (HEPHY-Vienna), Marcel Vos (IFIC), Stephan Haensel (HEPHY-Vienna), Celsio Martinez (IFCA). Diego Gamba (Torino)and Valeri Saveliev (OSU)(excused). It was decided to have two meetings in the next 2 weeks: => a DAQ meeting organized by Ivan Vila: in progress => a test beam meeting for the CERN test beam in October to be organized by Marcos and Catalin. This meeting should be soon organized. It should include the people involved in the module construction (LPNHE), the DAQ (IFCA, LPNHE and CU Prague:TLU), the people involved in the hardware (all VA1 oriented this time: LPNHE), the people in charge of the cooling/Faraday box (Valeri with OSU), the people in charge of 3d Table (Diego and Torino) and all other interested people. This meeting is mandatory soon. It was also discussed the importance of optimization, integration and simulation studies for the LOI's. The first steps being the definition of the parameters for the Si tracking system (at least in ILD). It is requested to have these parameters and preliminary simu studies results by end of August in preparation of the Cambridge ILD meeting in September (11-13 Sept). It was also announced a SiLC meeting that will be held as for the other subdetector R&D's during the EUDET meeting (October) in NIKHEF in half a day. All the presentations and discussion are available on the agenda of the 7th SiLC meeting prepared by Marcos. Keeping in touch a.
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