July 23 16:00 - 17:30, ATF LC meeting room, KEK
Participants : Tauchi, Okugi, Yamanaka, Kamiya(WebEx), Oroku(WebEx)
*** Progress of Shintake monitor (ATF2 IP-BSM) work ***
Slides by Takashi Yamanaka (Univ. of Tokyo)
* Preparation for phase stability measurement is ongoing.
* Interference fringe measurement of 30 degree crossing
angle mode have been done.
* Measurement of laser timing jitter has been done.
* tried the optical path tracking calculation but the result
doesn't match to the actual measurement
comment: It is difficult to calculate the optical path
if you use lenses in the path. (Okugi)
There can be some sorces of position jitter (e.g. table vibration)
at PSD and they causes the error of calculation. (Kamiya)
* Preparation for position measurement at the IP is ongoing
* Other comments
need to establish the alighment method to adjust the intensity
and position of two laser paths
Q: How about trying to use a high resolution CCD camera to obtain
the fringe profile? (Tauchi)
A: CCD cameras can be used to obtain the fringe pitch, though
it is difficult to obtain the actual fringe visibility if we
use a high resolution camera. (Yamanaka)
Please make a draft of the IEEE meeting(NSS) and set the order of
priorities to the masurement plan during August. (Kamiya)
want to put some alignment target at the IP for seveal tens of
um beam measurement (Kamiya)
-> it is not so difficult to focus the electron beam to several um