ATF2 IP Tuning Task Group Update

Glen White (SLAC)
Update from Task Group Members
    • 22:30 22:40
      Simulation Updates 10m
      Updates on results with magnet multipoles Update on results with new Quad/Sext double BPM-Magnet distances
      Speaker: Dr Glen White (SLAC)
      * Data put on wiki of movement speed tests for magnet mover system- get about 42 um/s, need to incorporate in simulations * Test of faster driver to move sextupoles more quickly for tuning knobs underway. * All available measured magnet multipole data now in ATF2 deck * Rogelio re-matched optics to restore beamsize in presence of QF1/QD0 multipoles (see his talk) * Rogelio's tracking showed ~50nm IP y size without re-matching, Lucretia gave ~100nm, Rogelio to check implementation of multipole tilts in his code. * Lucretia tuning simulations done with re-matched optics RMS IP beamsize results 90% seeds <52 nm 50% seeds <44nm (compare with no-multipole results of 39.5nm / 46nm respectively) * Hopefully above results can be improved with re-done matching with correct multipole tilt values * 90% tuning time ~30 hours with multipoles, ~9 hours without * Knobs not re-generated with re-matched optics, expect tuning time to improve when this is done * Suggestion from Philip- show additional plot in future showing time to tune < some absolute beam size (say 45 nm) * Effect of increased s-band BPM -> magnet distance discussed (see slide)
    • 22:40 23:00
      Re-matching ATF2 FFS with multipoles 20m
      Preliminary results rematching the ATF2 lattice with the measured multipole components for FFS bend, sextupole and final doublet quad magnets with MAPCLASS.
      Speaker: Dr Rogelio Tomas (CERN)
      * Matching done using MAPCLASS to try and regain goal IP y size in presence of known magnet multipoles * MAPCLASS tracking gives un-rematched beamsize ~50nm, Lucretia gives ~100nm, SAD ~90nm * Need to check implementation of multipole angles (see other minutes) * Perform re-matching with full set of lower and higher IP beta lattices, Sha Bei to help.
    • 23:00 23:15
      PLACET Tuning Update 15m
      Speaker: Mr Yves Renier (LAL)
      * Work done on improving orthogonality of knobs * Knobs for waist, coupling, dispersion and 2 second order terms (T322, T326) applied * Tuning with 1/10 standard errors gives 90% seeds <44nm <7 Hours * Need to work on being able to import AML lattices from Lucretia simulations to load in lattices after full errors and BBA etc applied for proper comparison- co-ordinate with Steve and Glen.
    • 23:15 23:30
      Plans for completing task by Dec Meeting 15m
      Speaker: Dr Glen White (SLAC)
      To Do list: * Full cross-check of tuning performance between Lucretia and PLACET * Re-do MAPCLASS rematching checking multipole angles and for different IP beta configs * Include multipoles (with MAPCLASS rematching) * Show performance vs. IP Beta (again cross-checked between Lucretia and PLACET). * SHow performance using Suguhara-san's alignment data * Check magnet movers never go out of range (magnet power supplies too) * Re-do dynamic studies on tuned machines * Continue development of faster mover driver for sextupoles * Ensure PLACET can read Lucretia generated AML files * Next meeting before LCWS workshop