19–22 Jul 2006
UBC, Vancouver, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone

Outer-Detector Tracking Studies for the SiD

19 Jul 2006, 14:10
SUB 207/9 (UBC, Vancouver, Canada)

SUB 207/9

UBC, Vancouver, Canada


Dr Fred Blanc (University of Colorado)


We present tracking finding studies with the SODTracker package for the outer SiD tracker, and track fitting studies using Kalman filter fitters. Based on seed tracks found in the vertex tracker, the SODTracker uses an efficient propagation algorithm to find tracks in the outer detector. For optimal resolution tracks need to be fit with Kalman filter techniques, taking into account the presence of the material along the particle trajectories. We describe the status of the development of these packages, as well as results from performance studies.

Presentation materials