Marty Breidenbach
20/07/2006, 10:30
After reviewing the Si-W ECal, optimized for SiD, we
will give recent results on silicon detector results
from the lab and on test of the first fully-designed
integrated readout chip (KPiX). We will present our
near-term plans.
Satoru Uozumi
(University of Tsukuba, Japan)
20/07/2006, 10:55
The Multi-Pixel Photon Counter (MPPC) is a novel type photon sensor
which has great performances feasible for the GLD calorimeter readout.
In this talk we present current status and results of the MPPC
performance study from a standpoint of the practical use at the GLD calorimeter.
Satoru Uozumi
Joseph Proulx
(University of Colorado at Boulder)
20/07/2006, 11:45
We are investigating the feasibility of a scintillator-tungsten
electromagnetic calorimeter. We use silicon photomultipliers in our
calorimeter module to detect light in scintillator tiles guided by
wavelength-shifting fibers. We observe sensitivity to single visible
photons in the photomultipliers, and can discriminate photons on a time
scale of under 10 ns. We are currently studying the...
Jose' Repond
(Argonne National Laboratory)
21/07/2006, 08:50
We report on the progress made toward building a prototype section of a highly
segmented hadron calorimeter for the ILC. The section includes 40 layers, each with the
an area of 1 m^2, of Resistive Plate Chambers, interleaved with 20 mm steel plates as
absorber. The section will undergo a detailed test program at the MTBF test beam at
Fermilab, planned for 2008. This effort is...
Dhiman Chakraborty
21/07/2006, 09:10
We report on our plans to design and build a prototype that will be fully scalable to a full
dtector, and some preliminary results from first trials along those directions.
Speaker: Dhiman Chakraborty, NIU/NICADD
John Hauptman
(Iowa State)
21/07/2006, 09:30
Abstract: The DREAM beam tests revealed that for electromagnetic showers,
the energy resolution was limited by photoelectron statistics and the spatial
resolution by the 7.2-cm channel size. Both problems are solved by a
front-end calorimeter of 2x2x25 cm^3 PbWO4 crystals with dual readout of
scintillation and Cerenkov light with SiPMs to preserve the excellent hadronic