EUDET JRA1 meeting

Amphiteatre M.Perey (<b>IPHC</b>)

Amphiteatre M.Perey


Ingrid Gregor (Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY)), Marc Winter (Institut de Recherches Subatomiques (IReS))
The meeting will mainly focus on the characterisation of the final sensors and their integration in the telescope. Wednesday will be dedicated to this topic. Beam tests plans over the year will also be discussed. Event reconstruction and analysis issues will be addressed on Thursday.
  • Aleksander Filip Zarnecki
  • angelo cotta ramusino
  • Antonio Bulgheroni
  • Daniel Haas
  • Emlyn Corrin
  • Fabienne ORSINI
  • GELIN Marie
  • Gilles CLAUS
  • Ingrid-Maria Gregor
  • Ivan Peric
  • Jerome Baudot
  • Joerg Behr
  • Julia Furletova
  • Lukasz Maczewski
  • Marc WINTER
  • Massimo Caccia
  • Mathieu Goffe
  • Rita De Masi
  • Uli Koetz
  • Yavuz DEGERLI
  • Yorgos Voutsinas
  • Wednesday 4 March
    • 08:30
      Arrival & Welcome Amphiteatre M.Perey

      Amphiteatre M.Perey


    • Morning session Amphiteatre M.Perey

      Amphiteatre M.Perey


      • 1
        Introductory Remarks
        Speaker: Ingrid Gregor (Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY))
      • 2
        Progress report on MIMOSA-26 tests
        Speaker: Gilles CLAUS (IPHC-Strasbourg)
      • 3
        Progress of the readout board
        Speaker: Angelo Cotta Ramusino
      • 10:35
      • 4
        DAQ software
        Speaker: Daniel Haas (Departement de Physique Nucleaire et Corpusculaire (DPNC))
      • 5
        Analysis Software status (mainly discussion)
        Speaker: Dr Antonio Bulgheroni (INFN)
      • 6
        Results from the Cadarache Testbeam April 2008
        Speaker: Daniel Husson (IPHC-Strasbourg)
    • 12:30
      lunch Campus restaurant

      Campus restaurant


    • Afternoon session Amphiteatre M.Perey

      Amphiteatre M.Perey


      • 7
        Realistic Simulation of the MAPS Response Amphiteatre M.Perey

        Amphiteatre M.Perey


        Speakers: Lukacz Maczewski (Warsaw), Lukasz Maczewski (Warsaw University)
      • 8
        A New MC Tool for EUDET JRA1 Amphiteatre M.Perey

        Amphiteatre M.Perey


        Speaker: Prof. Aleksander Filip Zarnecki (University of Warsaw)
      • 9
        Latest Results on DEPFET testbeam Amphiteatre M.Perey

        Amphiteatre M.Perey


        Speaker: Yulia Furletova (Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms- Univ.-Univ. Bonn, Physikalisches)
      • 10
        Large monolithic particle pixel detector in high-voltage CMOS technology Amphiteatre M.Perey

        Amphiteatre M.Perey


        Speaker: Dr Ivan Peric (Uni Heidelberg)
      • 11
        Self-triggering tracker using 3D-3Tiers CMOS process Amphiteatre M.Perey

        Amphiteatre M.Perey


        Speaker: Wojciech Dulinski
      • 12
        Planning 2009 Amphiteatre M.Perey

        Amphiteatre M.Perey


        Speaker: Ingrid Gregor
      • 16:20
        break Amphiteatre M.Perey (<b>IPHC</b>)

        Amphiteatre M.Perey


      • 13
        Visit of MIMOSA-26 tests infrastructure test laboratory

        test laboratory


    • 19:30
      Dinner Amphiteatre M.Perey

      Amphiteatre M.Perey


  • Thursday 5 March
    • morning session: phone conferencing, dial +33 426 687 300 then 23058# and 1603# room 103-104

      room 103-104


      • 14
        Detailed Analysis Discussion
      • 11:00
      • 15
        Drafting Meeting NIM Publication
    • 12:30
      lunch Campus restaurant

      Campus restaurant

