MarlinTPC Tutorial

SemRm 3 and 7a. (DESY Hamburg)

SemRm 3 and 7a.

DESY Hamburg

Learning how to install and use MarlinTPC
  • Wednesday 11 February
    • 13:00 15:30
      Installation Session Seminar Room 3

      Seminar Room 3

      DESY Hamburg

      Installing ILCSoft and MarlinTPC

      ilcinstall config file
  • Thursday 12 February
    • 09:00 10:00
      Marlin Introduction Session Seminar Room 7a

      Seminar Room 7a

      DESY Hamburg

      Learning the basics about the ILCSoft core tools LCIO, Marlin, GEAR and LCCD

    • 10:15 12:00
      MarlinTPC Introduction Session Seminar Room 7a

      Seminar Room 7a

      DESY Hamburg

      Getting to know MarlinTPC: What processors are available? What functionality do they provide?

    • 13:00 15:30
      MarlinTPC Hands On Session Seminar Room 7a

      Seminar Room 7a

      DESY Hamburg

      Making you own reconstruction and analysis with MarlinTPC

      Tutorial Data Files