7–18 Sept 2009
Hotel Jixian (集賢山莊)
Asia/Hong_Kong timezone


Course A

10 Sept 2009, 14:00
Hotel Jixian (集賢山莊)

Hotel Jixian (集賢山莊)

Huairou, Beijing, China

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Daniel Schulte (CERN)
10/09/2009, 14:00
Daniel Schulte (CERN)
11/09/2009, 09:00
Daniel Schulte (CERN)
11/09/2009, 14:00
Dr Masao Kuriki (KEK)
13/09/2009, 09:00
Dr Masao Kuriki (KEK)
13/09/2009, 14:00
Dr Andrzej Wolski (Cockcroft Institute and University of Liverpool)
15/09/2009, 09:00
Dr Andrzej Wolski (Cockcroft Institute and University of Liverpool)
16/09/2009, 09:00
Dr Andrzej Wolski (Cockcroft Institute and University of Liverpool)
16/09/2009, 14:00
Dr Andrzej Wolski (Cockcroft Institute and University of Liverpool)
17/09/2009, 09:00
Building timetable...