1) M. Anduze: Mechanics Brainstorming
- The brainstorming allowed to bring everybody in sync on the dimensions envisaged for the EUDET.
Module. In particular the thickness of the PCB was once more clarified.
A number of proposals to improve the thermal tests have been pondered, essentially the heat evacuation
will be based on a copper (pcb-cover)-copper (thermal drain) contact.
2) J. Giraud - Results of thermal tests
- Presentation of ideas for thermal tests in alveolar structure
Timeline for next steps (mechanics):
- Repetition of thermal tests (outside alveolar structure) according to 1) beginning of september
- Integration of thermal layer into alveolar structure by mid september (start with first thermal layer for test)
- Thermal tests according to 2) by end of september
Detailed dates to be agreed
3) R. Cornat - News on electronics
- Establishement of first chain ASU (Wafer/FEV7_CIP/SPIROC) - Adapter Board (Did get ready in time 2/7/09) - DIF - EUDET DAQ during July with the aim to be able to readout 'real' signals until Lyon Meeting
Main open issues:
- LDA?
- Contact Adpater Board FEV7 <-> to be realised
- Programming of Chip via DIF?
- Promising results from SPIROC (in SKIROC mode) characterisation. Nice linearity of ADC,
4) R. Poeschl: News
- Start to establish collaboration with CERN for industrialisation of SiW Wafers.
Next Meeting: 21/7/09 900h UTC
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