LCTW09 - 4th prepatorial Meeting



Roman Poeschl
This is the fourth meeting to prepare the testbeam workshop in November
Minutes of 4th prepatorial meeting 1/10/09 at LCWA Present: J.Yu, F. Sefkow, J. Hauptman, V. Boudry, M. Demarteau, F.Gaede 1) Opening Session Agenda fixed on the fly. Open issues: Talk on "Detector R&D and Testbeams". Proposal Takeshi Matsuda (confirmed) Talk on "Achievements". Proposal Vaclav Vrba 2) Calorimetry How to integrate the muon system? Proposal by Vincent was accepted after discussion. Speakers have to be named, in particular for Dual Readout. There is the possibility for a remote connection but it is highly desirable that speakers are present at Orsay 3) Gaseeaous Tracking After the withdrawal of Yulan, Takeshi Matsuda offered to convene the session. Upon discussion between Takeshi, Klaus and R.P. it was confirmed that the session will be filled soon. 4) Silicon tracking Very advanced Proposal by Marcel Vos in collaboration with Ron and Tim. Agenda will be fixed by these three members 5) DAQ and Software The session will be split into 'DAQ' and 'Software' each of which will have 1 1/2 hours. DAQ === Advanced proposal by Mathew speakers have been contacted or suggestions are awaited. The speakers will be asked to mutually inform themselves about the other systems in order to be able to identify synergies and possibilities in view of synchronisation of DAQs. Software ======== The session should be preceeded by a talk on experience in using the ILC software for testbeam matters. The goods, bads and missing items should be listed. A core software talk is scheduled and another talk on infrastructeres 6) Testbeam sites The sagenda for the sites has been settled. The session will be split into two 1 1/2 hours sessions It has been agreed to schedule in the first session the somewhat smaller sites and to place the 'big' sites, i.e. cern and fnal into the second session. The exact planning of the session should leave room for a discussion of immediate requests to the sites or questions for clairification on the amenities at the sites. 7) Resources and Infrastructure for ILC testbeams For the talk on human and financial resources Marcel has proposed Franco Grancagnole.(Co-Chair of Detector R&D Common task group) to give this talk. A talk on AIDA is to be given by Laurent Serin, who has to make sure that he is not a CERN on the 5/11/09 -> To be clarified by R.P. The speaker for the talk in combined testbeams and a potential request for permanent ILC testbeam sites will be found by Felix. 8) Closing Session Each of the session will have a 15 slot. Rather than a pure summary, here more the first lessons drawn from the discussions are to be highlighted, which are the first input for the "Dopcument of the Testbeam" workshop. The first skeleton of this documented will be presented by R.P. at the end of the closing session. It has to be agreed to make sure that the workshop will be closed by ~1230pm on the 5/11/09. Next prepatorial meeting
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  • Thursday 1 October
    • 23:45 23:50
      News on Organisation 5m
      Speaker: Roman Poeschl
    • 23:50 00:00
      Opening Session - Agenda Proposal 10m
      Speaker: Roman Poeschl
  • Friday 2 October
    • 00:00 00:10
      Plans of Subdetectors - Calorimetry - Agenda Proposal 10m
      Speakers: Prof. John Hauptman (Iowa State), Dr Vincent Boudry (LLR, Ecole polytechnique)
    • 00:10 00:20
      Plans of Subdetectors - Gaseous Tracking - Agenda Proposal 10m
      Speakers: Takeshi Matsuda (KEK), Prof. Yulan Li (Tsinghua University)
    • 00:20 00:35
      Plans of Subdetectors - Silicon Tracking - Agenda Proposal 15m
      Speakers: Dr Marcel Vos (IFIC Valencia), Dr Ronald Lipton (Fermilab), Timothy Nelson (SLAC)
      Hi Roman, ... this is what I've got so far for the agenda: - SiLC has asked for two slots. Names to be confirmed soon. - Someone from the vertex detector community should summarize their experience and requirements. I haven't contacted anyone yet, but there are plenty of candidates. - I talked to Ingrid Gregor about a possible contribution from EUDET. She said Daniel Haas would probably be willing to give a talk on the experience with their telescope. I believe this would be very useful, but maybe something like this is foreseen in one of the other sessions. - We should talk about AIDA, but probably not in the subdetector sessions. I may come in from CERN only for the day of the tracking session... - There is the Kaptan talk suggested by Ron. Cheers, Marcel
    • 00:35 00:50
      DAQ and Software - Agenda Proposal 15m
      Speakers: Frank Gaede (DESY), Dr Matthew Wing (UCL), Norman Graf (SLAC)
      Hi Roman, As I won't attend, an update : o Daniel Haas and David Decotigny will give DAQ talks. o I have asked Xavier Janssen and await a response. o I have just sent a mail to Gunther Haller asking him or for a recommendation. Cheers, Matthew.
    • 00:50 01:00
      Testbeam Facilities - Agenda Proposal 10m
      Speakers: Felix Sefkow (DESY), Jaehoon Yu (University of Texas at Arlington), Prof. Kiyotomo KAWAGOE (Kobe university), Vaclav Vrba (Institute of Physics-Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (ASCR)-)
      Here is the current agenda of the facilities session as of today. o. CERN: Horst from CERN? (Name to be confirmed) o. DESY: Ingrid (TBC) o. FNAL: Erik Ramberg o. SLAC: Mike Woods or John Jaros (TBC) o. Asian facilities: Tohru Takeshita (Confirmed) o. IHEP Protvino: ?? o. Other facilities: JLAB, BNL, any others? ==> These can be included in some of other talks. o. Discussions
    • 01:00 01:15
      Resources and Infrastructure for future Testbeams - Agenda Proposal 15m
      Speaker: Marcel Demarteau (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL))