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Project Managers: Goals of the meeting, Preparation for AAP Review
SB2009 Physics and Detector Group Report
CFS Team Presentation: Regional schemes, Drawings and Graphics (EDMS and 3D)
If there is a coupled bunch instability or etc, it cannot be ameliorated by going to larger bunch spacing.
What are the concerns about the apparent complexity of the proposed tunnel layout in the BDS/DR/IR region?
How much can one rely on the program evaluating the machine availability?
Low energy operation - How much is the luminosity degraded at beam energies below 150 GeV and on the Z0? What are the expected operation modes?
Low intensity luminosity strategies - travelling focus; higher beamstrahlung
How practical is the traveling focus concept, and what studies give confidence in its use in the ILC?
Three beams in the same tunnel can make installation and maintenance more difficult, slower and more expensive. How is this visualized and described?