Recently completed AAP SB2009 Review - discussion

Webex: Topic: Accelerator Design and Integration Date: Wednesday, February 3, 2010 Time: 2:00 pm, GMT Time (London, GMT) Meeting Number: 758 977 452 Meeting Password: ilcadi
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      PM report:
      summary of our note sent after AAP, leading to and providing major discussion points in order to get Group Leader's or participant opinions
      Speakers: Prof. Akira Yamamoto (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)), Dr Marc Ross (FNAL), Dr Nicholas Walker (DESY)
      Synopsis from PM
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      Discussion –
      - focused on further work needed for: 1. Single tunnel - HLRF R&D plan. 2. Half-power option 3. positron source location
      CFS Comments and Plans
      Discussion Q / A - rough notes