Minutes of Meeting 23/3/10
Present: M.Wing, V.Boudry. J.Yu, R. Lipton, F.Sefkow, R.P.
I believe that I have forgotten one or two participants, apologises, please remind me
1) Publication
The participants agree to *not* publish the document for LCWS10. This is mainly due to still missing
or not completed, edited or corrected sections and a desired refinement on statements on e.g. a need of
an ILC like beamstructure
The preparation of the document will however be subject of the talk by R.P. in the testbeam session and of the
summary by Kiyotomo in the plenary.
2) Sections to be revised
- More quantitative statements in executive summary (suggested by Francois)
rates, particles etc.
- More careful wording about need of ILC beamstructure
Argumentation along the lines:
- The quality and reliability of the results would benefit from and sites are encouraged to
pursue efforts which have been started.
- On the time scale addressed by the document it would be enough to establish the macro structure,
i.e. 1ms beam 199 ms intervall. However also within this 1 ms the limitations of the hardware (which is
conceived for ILC data taking) needs to be taken into account.
- Conclusions
3) Missing items
- The calo part needs completion by forward calorimetry, muons
Discussion/Coordination with SiD Calorimeter (Ecal) is ongoing
- Section on European and US Facilities
4) Envisaged date of publication of document: 30/4/10
Next meeting: Week after easter. Exact date to be announced.
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