Registration fee 2,000yen and Banquet fee 5,000yen
Current status of mainly ATF2 instrumentation and hardware.
Summary of EXT and FFS beam tuning activities and plans, including discussion of continuous run operations.
Summary of EXT and FFS beam tuning activities and plans, including discussion of continuous run operations.
37nm achievement by end of December 2010 and strategic plan particularly in this fall run, i.e. October to December
SC-FD replacing with QF1 : nano-beam focus and nanometer stability and ultra low beta study for CLIC and ILC upgrade
R&Ds for linear colliders, e.g. permanent final quadrapole magnet and more including physics studies
Nanometer stabilization with Generation of ILC like bunch train and FONT feedback with IPBPM , i.e. IP feedback
Shall we have more international support for the ATF operation as the test facility of global project?
How does ATF/ATF2 play a role of education of young generation in the world towards realization of ILC ?