ML-SCRF Webex meeting

This meeting will focus on the upcoming workshop devoted to developing the recommendations for Top-Level Change Control for the single-tunnel main linac and (possibly revised) design gradient specification. Due to unusual circumstances, we have two general attendance webex meetings this week:
  1. ML-SCRF webex meeting, to be held on Aug. 25, focusing on - Gradient improvement R&D issues, and - Single tunnel HLRF (KCS/DCRF, backup RDR issues – password ilcml) </il>
  2. AD&I webex meeting to be held on Aug. 27, focusing on - Brief summary of the discussion held on Aug. 25, and - Further discussion of HLRF (as needed; extension of Wednesday’s meeting) - Main Linac Accelerating (cavity) Gradient – password ilcadi
The two meetings will be used to prepare for the Baseline Assessment Workshop # 1, to be held at KEK 07 – 10 September, 2010. Please note the combined nature of the two meetings – attendance to either one is not limited. For this week’s webex meetings, we would like to ask each of the workshop presenters to report (5 to 10 minutes) on their preparation for the BAW, as summarized below:
    • 1
      PM Report
      Speaker: PMs
    • 2
      Cavity Gradient R & D - Progress and Plans
      - Cavity gradient progress and - Further R&D direction and short-term and long-term R&D plan,
      Speaker: Dr Rongli Geng (Jefferson Lab)
      Web link
    • 3
      Database status & Gradient Spread
      Cavity performance data base work status, - Discussions on the gradient spread
      Speakers: Camille Ginsburg, Jim Kerby (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (Fermilab))
    • 4
      Regional R & D Status
      R&D status and further plan in each region,
      Speakers: Hitoshi Hayano (KEK), Mark Champion (FNAL), Mr Sebastian Aderhold (DESY)
      STF Plan
    • 5
      HLRF Overview & DRFS Update
      General design and overview of HLRF (KCS/DRFS, backup RDR) - DRFS design and R&D status - Accelerator unit R&D demonstration, - Further assignment for the subjects to be discussed sorting, installation, maintenance, cost establishment
      Speaker: Dr Shigeki Fukuda (KEK)
    • 6
      KCS Update
      - KCS design and R&D status, - Accelerator unit R&D demonstration, - Further assignment for the subjects to be discussed,
      Speakers: Chris Adolphsen (SLAC), Dr Christopher Nantista (SLAC)