23–25 May 2011
LAL Orsay, France
Europe/Paris timezone

LAL Orsay, France
Room 101 (Monday), Main auditorium (other days)
New Location for the 5th ILD workshop: LAL Orsay, Paris, France

Please watch this space for more news concerning the detailed agenda, the location and other information on the ILD meeting in Orsay.

This is a dedicated workshop for the ILD detector at the ILC, held at LAL, Orsay, Paris area, 23-25 May 2011. The purpose of this workshop is to accelerate the efforts towards the DBD to be completed by the end of 2012. At this workshop we like to concentrate on the definition of the software baseline of the ILD detector, and discuss the state of the overall integration of the subdetectors into the main ILD detector.

The topics to be discussed at the workshop include:
survey of R&D activities, in particular those which are of relevance for the DBD,
physics analyses,
status of software tools,
MDI/Integration issues,
definition of the software-baseline of the ILD,
plan towards the DBD.

The following pre-meetings are also planned;
CALICE: CERN, May 19-21, 2011,,
MDI/Integration meeting:22 May @LAL,
Software meeting: 22 May @LAL.

Chair:Dr. Roman Poeschl - last update : 11-Mai-2011 -