SiD/ILD Engineering & Detector Interface Working Meeting

Yosemite Conference Room (#130A) (SLAC A&E Building #41)

Yosemite Conference Room (#130A)

SLAC A&E Building #41

2575 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park CA 94025 <br>
Marco Oriunno (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory), Thomas Markiewicz (SLAC)
It has been suggested to use the two days prior to the SiD collaboration meeting at SLAC to make another pass at the engineering design of the ILC IR Hall and its support systems in preparation for the ILC TDR and the ILD and SiD DBDs. To that end, members of ILD, the ILC CFS team, the BNL compact SC magnet team and ILC project management have self-organized to join interested SiD colleagues before their workshop begins at SLAC. Other interested parties are welcome to participate. Please register for this meeting. Meeting room space is very tight. We have currently reserved a room that will accomodate a maximum of 15 people and are looking for a larger room. You are welcome to also register and attend the SiD workshop but this is not required. Please use the SiD Meeting web page if you decide to register for the SiD meeting. At the moment, no plans are being made to provide coffee or snacks. DOE rules do not allow use of project funds for this purpose.
Support: Tom Markiewicz
  • Bill Sporre
  • Brett Parker
  • Ewan Paterson
  • Fred Asiri
  • Jim Brau
  • Karsten Buesser
  • Klaus Sinram
  • Marc Ross
  • Marco Oriunno
  • Martin Breidenbach
  • Philip Burrows
  • Thomas Lackowski
  • Thomas Markiewicz
  • Tomoyuki Sanuki
  • Victor Kuchler
  • Wesley Craddock
  • Yasuhiro Sugimoto
  • Yoshinobu NISHIMOTO
  • Monday 12 December
    • QD0 Status and Plans Yosemite Conference Room (#130A)

      Yosemite Conference Room (#130A)

      SLAC A&E Building #41

      2575 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park CA 94025 <br>
      • 1
        QD0 Status and Plans
        Speaker: Mr Andy Marone (BNL)
      • 2
        QD0 Support and Alignment Plans in SiD and Relevance to ILD Support Design
        Speaker: William Sporre (BNL)
    • 12:00
      Lunch Cafeteria (SLAC)



    • Design of a Shared Cryo Plant Yosemite Conference Room (#130A)

      Yosemite Conference Room (#130A)

      SLAC A&E Building #41

      2575 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park CA 94025 <br>
      • 3
        QD0-QF1 Cryo-Plant Requirements
        Speaker: Mr Andy Marone (BNL)
      • 4
        Baseline Cryoplant Design
        Speaker: Mr Wesley Craddock (SLAC)
  • Tuesday 13 December
    • ARUP Summary & Japanese Site Discussion Yosemite Conference Room (#130A)

      Yosemite Conference Room (#130A)

      SLAC A&E Building #41

      2575 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park CA 94025 <br>
      • 5
        Summary of ARUP Study
        Via Webex
        Speaker: John Andrew Osborne (CERN)
      • 6
        Japanese Site Description and Installation Plan for ILD at a Japanese Mountain Site
        Speaker: Dr Yasuhiro Sugimoto (KEK)
      • 7
        Access Tunnel to the Japanese Site
        Speaker: Masanobu Miyahara (KEK)
      • 8
        Stress and Deformation of the Cavern at the Japanese Site
        Speaker: Yoshinobu Nishimoto (J-Power)
      • 9
        SiD Installation Model for a Japanese Mountain Site with lateral Access
        Speaker: Marco Oriunno (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
      • 10
        Costs of Shafts vs. Tunnels
        Speaker: Go Orukawa (J-Power)
    • 12:00
      Lunch Cafeteria (SLAC)



    • Vertical Access Site Discussion Yosemite Conference Room (#130A)

      Yosemite Conference Room (#130A)

      SLAC A&E Building #41

      2575 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park CA 94025 <br>
      • 11
        Cost or Other Implications that Affect the TDR/DBD IR Hall Layout
        Speaker: Tom Lackowski (FNAL)
      • 12
        ILD Requirements on the Interaction Region Layout
        Speaker: Dr Klaus Sinram (DESY)
      • 13
        Surface Building and Surface Crane Infrastructure to Support the TDR/DBD IR Hall Layout
        Speaker: Marco Oriunno (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
      • 14
        Design Register for the IR
        Speaker: Mr Fred Asiri (SLAC)
      • 15
        What we Need from BDS to Complete Design of the Final Doublet for the TDR
        Speaker: Dr Brett Parker (BNL)