ML-SCRF Webex meeting



Akira Yamamoto (KEK)
    • 14:00 14:15
      Report from PMs 15m
      - GDE schedule - Report from ILC-PAC (to be held on 11/14-15) - Progress in SCRF industrialization and cost study in each region - Preparation for the GDE-SCRF meeting at IHEP as a post TTC, 12/8-9 - Preparation for the SCRF BTR meeting at KEK, 1/19-20, 2011
    • 14:15 14:30
      Report from Group Leaders 15m
      - Cavity Gradient R&D: (R. Geng) - Cavity Integration: (H. Hayano) - Cryomodule: (P. Pierini) - Cryogenics: (T. Peterson) - HLRF: (S. Fukuda and C. Nantista) - ML Integration; (C. Adolphsen)
    • 14:30 15:00
      Special discussions 30m
      - SCRF and S1-Global progress discussion in TTC meeting - Plan for the ILC-GDE SCRF meeting at IHEP (Beijing: Dec. 8-9) - Discuss S1-Global progress report to be completed - Discuss SCRF R&D and designs in TDR - Prepare for the SCRF Baseline Design Review (BTR) at KEK, Jan., 19~20, 2012