21–26 Oct 2012
University Center, UTA
America/Chicago timezone
The theme 'static' does not exist.

Workshop Outline and Goals

LCWS12 Future Linear Collider Workshop outline and goals – ILCGDE:
The upcoming LCWS12 in Arlington is the third joint ILC-GDE and CLIC Study Workshop. The workshop plenary agenda has been adapted to reflect the recent 126 GeV 'Higgs' discovery announcement from LHC and the concurrent planning exercises underway in Europe, Japan and the US. Of course the workshop will mark the final editing stages of the ILC TDR.  
There are two special plenary sessions devoted to the recent ‘Higgs’ discovery: 1) a Joint Plenary : Higgs (Wednesday at 16:00) and 2) an Accelerator Plenary: ILC Systems - Higgs Factory Discussion (Tuesday at 16:00). For the latter please be prepared to discuss how a lower-energy ‘light Higgs Factory’ based on ILC technology could be realized. The goal of this session is to begin planning for optimization of this initial stage project.
The parallel session arrangements Tuesday – Thursday, 23 – 25 October, also reflect the unusual nature of this LCWS. Rather than three solid days of accelerator working group (AWG) meetings, these three days are split between 1) ad-hoc working groups (Tuesday 23 October), 2) AWG as organized for the two preceding LCWS meetings in Granada and Geneva (Thursday 25 October), and 3) ILC TDR Wrap – up sessions (Wednesday 24 October). While 1) and 2) will be joint meetings of the ILC GDE / CLIC Study group teams, the ILC TDR Wrap-up sessions will be strictly limited to ILC-related work and are not considered joint sessions. 
This arrangement is shown on the LCWS12 indico web page:
http://ilcagenda.linearcollider.org/conferenceOtherViews.py?view=standard&confId=5468 .
1)            Ad-hoc Working Groups (Tuesday 23 October)
There are four Ad-hoc working groups and they generally address topics of common concern between the ILC and CLIC design teams. The four are: a) Power consumption, b) Emittance preservation, c) System tests, and d) Cost and schedule. The ad-hoc working group conveners are listed on the indico page for the meeting and you would like to make a presentation you are urged to contact them.
2)            Accelerator Working Groups (Thursday 25 October)
There are 7 Joint CLIC/ILC Working Group AWG at LCWS12: Sources (Wei Gai, Steffen Doebert), Damping Rings (David Rubin, Yannis Papaphilippou), Beam Dynamics (Andrea Latina, Nikolay Solyak, Kaoru Yokoya), Beam Delivery and MDI (Rogelio Tomas, Jie Gao, Thomas Markiewicz), CFS (Victor Kuchler, John Osborne, Atsushi Enomoto), Technical Systems (Thibaut LeFevre, Marc Ross, Shinichiro Michizono, Andrea Jeremie) and RF Structure/Technologies (Hitoshi Hayano, Chris Nantista, Akira Yamamoto, Walter Wuensch). As above, please contact the AWG conveners to arrange a presentation.
The TDR text includes lists of future work for technical and cost-reduction objectives. The goal of the AWG parallel sessions is to review these lists and discuss status and plans. The AWG parallel sessions should include discussions on extending collaboration with the CLIC study.
3)            ILC TDR Wrap – up sessions (Wednesday 24 October)
LCWS12 marks the completion of the TDR, the primary milestone of the ILC Technical Design Phase. At LCWS12 we have arranged TDR Wrap-up sessions between Authors, Contributors and Editors in order to discuss remaining issues. These may include (but are not limited to): content, figures, bibliography, consistency, completeness, and supplemental documentation such as ILC Notes and design documents for EDMS. We will also begin preparation for the upcoming GDE reviews (November 2012, December 2012 and January 2013) and we expect to define review-preparation homework at the Wrap – up sessions.
Thanks – and see you in Arlington.