26–27 Mar 2012
Bldg. 1 (Mon) and Bldg. 2a (Tue)
Europe/Zurich timezone


Endplate, modules, support mechanics

26 Mar 2012, 16:00
Sem. Room 1 (Monday) and Room 2 (Tuesday) (Bldg. 1 (Mon) and Bldg. 2a (Tue))

Sem. Room 1 (Monday) and Room 2 (Tuesday)

Bldg. 1 (Mon) and Bldg. 2a (Tue)

DESY - Hamburg


Endplate, modules, support mechanics

  • Ron Settles

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dan Peterson (Cornell)
26/03/2012, 16:00
Madhu Dixit (Carleton), Paul Colas (Saclay)
26/03/2012, 16:30
Felix Mueller (Desy)
26/03/2012, 16:55
Volker Prahl (Desy)
26/03/2012, 17:15
Building timetable...