21–22 May 2012
Kyushu University, Hakozaki Campus
Japan timezone

Contribution List

15 / 15
Alexandre Gonnin (LAL)
21/05/2012, 15:00
Mrs Catherine Clerc (LLR-Ecole polytechnique CNRS-In2p3)
21/05/2012, 15:20
Frank Gaede (DESY)
21/05/2012, 15:40
Dr Aura Rosca (DESY)
21/05/2012, 16:00
Volker Prahl (Desy)
21/05/2012, 16:40
Christian Bourgeois (Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))
21/05/2012, 17:00
Felix Sefkow (DESY)
21/05/2012, 17:30
Ianigro Jean Christophe (IPNL)
21/05/2012, 17:50
Mrs Catherine Clerc (LLR-Ecole polytechnique CNRS-In2p3)
22/05/2012, 09:00
Dr Yasuhiro Sugimoto (KEK)
22/05/2012, 09:20
Maciej Lukasz Herdzina (CERN)
22/05/2012, 09:50
Dr Toshiaki Tauchi (KEK)
22/05/2012, 11:30

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