Lyutsiya Bortko
(DESY Zeuthen)
28/05/2013, 09:00
The BeamCal, an electromagnetic calorimeter at very small polar angle, is aimed to detect single high energy electrons on top of the widely spread background from beamstrahlung. This feature is important, since processes with high energy electrons at small polar angles are a severe background for many new particle searches.
The performance of BeamCal for two different sensor segmentations is...
Olga Novgorodova
28/05/2013, 09:25
The International Linear Collider (ILC) is being designed to explore particle physics at the TeV scale. At this energy beamstrahlung needs to be considered in the design of the Very Forward Region since it creates a high radiation field. Radiation hard sensors using new GaAs:Cr wafers are an option for the BeamCal. Using dedicated fast front-end and ADC ASICs a prototype of a sensor plane was...
Itamar Levy
(Tel Aviv University (IL))
28/05/2013, 09:45
During 2010 and 2011 the FCAL collaboration performed three beam tests. These were the first tests of the LumiCal silicon- and the BeamCal GaAs-sensors prototypes equipped with a full readout chain. The readout chain included sensors, fan-outs, dedicated front-end electronics and, during the 2011 beam-tests, also a newly-designed 10-bit pipeline ADC was included.
This talk will describe the...
Jakub Moron
28/05/2013, 10:05
Mila Pandurovic
(Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences),
strahinja lukic
28/05/2013, 14:30
We present the method of luminosity measurement at the future linear collider (ILC) that corrects for the impact of the dominant sources of systematic uncertainty originating from the beam-induced effects and the background from physics processes. Some of these systematic corrections can be done in a simulation independent manner. With the introduced corrective methods we show that the overall...
(Kyushu University)
28/05/2013, 15:20
Si sensor is a candidate of active device for ILD calorimeter to achieve excellent position resolution for a precise jet energy measurement. Si sensors are required low dark current and high breakdown voltage. We have to understand a behavior of Si sensors when incident particles hit the sensor edge. We will report about R&D status of Si pad sensor which is manufactured by Hamamatsu Photonics.
Chihiro Kozakai
(University of Tokyo),
Chihiro Kozakai
(University of Tokyo)
28/05/2013, 15:40
We will report on the results of simulation-based optimisation studies of the silicon-tungsten ECAL for ILD. We have investigated the effects of silicon sensor design, the thickness of PCB detector elements and dead detector pixels on the measurement of jets.
Tohru Takeshita
(Shinshu University),
Tohru Takeshita
(Department of Physics - Shinshu Univer)
29/05/2013, 09:00
Scintilator strip ECAL is one of the candidate of ILD calorimeter. Since we need to thin down ECAL without deteriorating the performance, we constructed an EBU which is embedded readout electronics as a technological prototype of a strip scintillator ecal. We have tested the performance both with high energy electron beams and LED system.
(Kyushu University)
29/05/2013, 09:20
Excellent jet energy measurement is required for the future linear collider experiment. The Particle Flow method of jet reconstruction, which can achieve excellent energy measurement, requires a calorimeter with very fine granularity. We have constructed a prototype electromagnetic calorimeter (ScWECAL), consisting of scintillator strips and Multi-pixel Photon Counter as active layers and and...
John Marshall
(University of Cambridge)
29/05/2013, 09:45
Fine granularity particle flow calorimetry is the baseline for the detector at the ILC or CLIC. The Pandora algorithms provide the most sophisticated particle flow implementation and are used in the majority of detector-optimisation and physics-sensitivity studies. In this talk, the development of a "cost-effective" Electromagnetic Calorimeter will be discussed, and studies of jet energy...
Marina Chadeeva
(ITEP, Moscow, Russia)
29/05/2013, 11:00
Parameters of hadronic showers induced by different types of hadrons in the highly granular CALICE Sc-Fe analogue hadronic calorimeter were analysed in the energy range 10-80 GeV. Calorimeter response, resolution, longitudinal and radial parameters obtained from test beam data are compared with Geant4 simulations.
Frank Simon
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik)
29/05/2013, 11:25
The intrinsic time structure of hadronic showers has been studied to evaluate its influence on the timing capability and on the required integration time of highly granular hadronic calorimeters in future collider experiments. The experiments have been carried with systems of 15 detector cells, using both scintillator tiles with SiPM readout and RPCs, read out with fast digitizers and deep...
Oskar Hartbrich
(Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal / DESY FLC)
29/05/2013, 11:50
Status of the 2nd generation CALICE AHCAL prototype with emphasis on electronics integration.
Shaojun (DESY) LU
29/05/2013, 12:15
Erik Van Der Kraaij
29/05/2013, 14:00
Ivo Polak
(Institute of Physics - Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
29/05/2013, 14:20
We will present latest results and a technique of the calibration system dedicated to SiPM photodetectors. It has been developed for prototype of AHCAL scintillating tiles detector. System uses fast quasi-resonant UVLED driver with 400nm UVLED and the distribution system based on notched fibres.
Valeri Saveliev
(National Research Nuclear University)
29/05/2013, 14:40
Development of the Muon System for the ILD at ILC will be presented. The results of the design, simulations and performance study for the of the ILD Muon System on basis of the Scintillator Strip/ SiPM sensitive elements.
Burak Bilki
(University of Iowa-Unknown-Unknown)
29/05/2013, 15:05
The large CALICE Digital Hadron Calorimeter prototype (DHCAL) was built and tested in the Fermilab and CERN test beams between 2009 - 2013. The DHCAL uses Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) as active media and is read out with 1 x 1 cm2 pads and digital (1 - bit) resolution. With a world record of nearly 0.5M readout channels, the DHCAL offers the possibility to study hadronic interactions with...