8–10 Apr 2014
University of Tokyo (4/8: ITO Center, 4/9-10: Phys. Bldg-1)
Asia/Tokyo timezone


CFS pre-project activities

8 Apr 2014, 11:00
University of Tokyo (4/8: ITO Center, 4/9-10: Phys. Bldg-1)

University of Tokyo (4/8: ITO Center, 4/9-10: Phys. Bldg-1)


CFS pre-project activities

  • Victor Kuchler (Fermilab)


The CFS pre-project work scope will determine the readiness for a construction project hence we need to understand the elements of the work scope and their individual schedules. Can any items be delayed with compromising the effort ? Can the 5-year estimate for this work be shortened in any way ? Since non trivial funding will be needed to complete this work then this implies some kind of budget before the anticipated GO-NOGO decision in 2016. How much money is needed and when, if we try and minimise a pre-project request.

Presentation materials

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