8–10 Apr 2014
University of Tokyo (4/8: ITO Center, 4/9-10: Phys. Bldg-1)
Asia/Tokyo timezone


CFS near term & Required ADI input

10 Apr 2014, 09:00
University of Tokyo (4/8: ITO Center, 4/9-10: Phys. Bldg-1)

University of Tokyo (4/8: ITO Center, 4/9-10: Phys. Bldg-1)


CFS near term & Required ADI input

  • Atsushi Enomoto (KEK)


The CFS pre-project work scope will need to have aspects of the accelerator design to be finalised at certain points in the timeline. We need to define when this ADI input is needed and what aspects needed to be defined. What near-term aspects of the CFS work will need to be addressed and what resources will be available.

Presentation materials

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10/04/2014, 09:00
10/04/2014, 10:00
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