LCTPC-pixel meeting #16



Thursday 02 October 2014 West Coast East Coast W.Europe Japan 05.00 08.00 14.00 21.00 PLEASE NOTE: The LCTPC Pixel meetings are done by Fuzebox; connection details can be found under "Material: Fuzebox information". To the agenda: Listed are all topics on which currently work is done in the field of LCTPC-pixel. This does not necessarily mean that everyone has to give a presentation or an update each meeting. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: LCTPC-pixel meeting #16 Date: 20.11.2014 Start Time: 14:00 End Time: 16:30 Meeting URL: You can find international access numbers at: Toll Free #: +18553463893 Toll Number: +12014794595
    • Topics in LCTPC-pixel

      This should be a list of topics currently worked on and the people involved.

      • 1
        Pixel track reconstruction
        News on the status of a new alorithm for track finding for a pixel TPC in MarinTPC
        Speaker: Martin Rogowski (University of Bonn)
      • 2
        Octoboard simulation
        News on the status of a simulation of the electric field an the occupance of an 8 chip Timepix board
        Speakers: Oleg Bezshyyko, Oleksiy Fedorchuk
      • 3
        96 chip module
        News on the construction of a 96 Timepix module for the large TPC prototype at DESY
        Speaker: Michael Lupberger
      • 4
        Readout system
        News on the status of the SRS based readout system for the Timepix chip
        Speaker: Michael Lupberger
      • 5
        Testbeam data analysis
        News of the analysis of the data taken during the March/April 2013 testbeam campaign at the large TPC prototype at DESY with a 8 chip InGrid board and a 8 chip Timepix + 3Gem setup.
        Speaker: Andrii Chaus
    • Discussion today
      Amir: Simulation
      Michael: Testbeam preparation