The 40th General Meeting of ILC Physics Subgroup

Keisuke Fujii (IPNS, KEK)

Date/Time: 10:30~17:30 JST, Jan. 24, 2015

Place: Room 425, Building No.3, KEK

Official Language: English

Video Conference ID: 883 (KEK MCU2)

Fuze connection:

A Summary of The 40th General Meeting of the ILC Physics Subgroup
Jan. 24, 2015 (Sat) at Room 425, Building 3, KEK
0) Attendants:
Present at KEK:
C.Calancha (KEK)
K.Fujii    (KEK)
J.Tian     (KEK)
M.Nojiri   (KEK)
T.Ogawa    (Sokendai)
K.Hidaka   (Gakugei)
T.Suehara  (Kyushu)
K.Ikematsu (Saga)
A.Sher     (KEK visitor)

Remote connection:
K.Tsuchimoto    (Shinshu)
S.Kawada    (Hiroshima)
Y.Sudo         (Kyushu)
T.Tomita       (Kyushu)

0) Opening comments (K.Fujii)

1) Higgs to tau tau (Shin-ichi Kawada)
 Current numbers:
   250fb-1@ 250GeV
      3.4% qqh 
     32.4% vvh 
     14.4% eeh 
     11.3% mmh 
 Today: 500GeV
     new event reconstruction strategy
    *) tau finder first and then kT clustering
     5.0% (cut-based) 4.6% (TMVA: BDTG) : qqh
- Improve tau finder.
- Other modes: vvh, eeh, mmh.

2) Top Yukawa coupling study at 500 GeV (Yuji Sudo)
 Check the presentation at the Annual Tokusui WS.

3) Higgs self-coupling: 1TeV vvhh (Junping Tian)
 Condition: Ecm=1TeV, mh=125GeV
    BG: tt -> lvbbqq, vvZZ, vvZh -> vvbbbb
    W/o overlay, compare the results with the extrapolation
        -> 3.6 sigmas (extrapolation was 3.7 sigmas)
    W/ overlay (<N>=4.1@1TeV)
    -> Higgs mass much wider than the case w/o overlay.
    -> R=1.2 (but not satisfactory)
        -> 2.7 sigmas (25% degradation!)
Next Step:
- Solve the overlay problem
- Improve analysis techniques
    Optimize the selection for self-coupling not for cross section.

4) ZH: Recoil mass using Z->qq (Taikan Suehara/Tatsuhiko Tomita)
 ZH->qqH @250GeV
 ISR finder
 Tau finder
 Cuts: mass box for ZZ, WW BGs.
    Z mass
       major/minor thrusts
 Previous Result (LCWS)
 -> delta sigma / sigma = 4.7% (Left pol), 3.3% (right pol)
 -> Tried 3 methods, cut-based, likelihood, and BDT 
    (-0.8,+3) : delta sigma / sigma = 2.5%
    (+0.8,-3) : delta sigma / sigma = 2.2%
    -> efficiency difference still large (maximum a few %) for 0lep 0tau category
Next Step:
- Improve the bias due to efficiency differences.
- Study the effect of bias for different BSM models.

5) Impact of QFV on H->cc in MSSM (Keisho Hidaka)
 Full 1-loop in MSSM with non-minimal QFV
   Key parameters: 4 QFV and 1 QFC parameters
   -> There can be a large deviation from SM in Gamma(h->cc).
 Q: Why is the deviation so large?
 A: Due to the large enhancement coming from the top Yukawa contribution 
    possible only in the QFV case (no such enhancement in the QFC case).
 Q: You assume m_gluino of 1.5TeV. What happens if m_gluino is, say, 3TeV?
 A: There is a scaled up scenario where you can expect a similar large deviation
    in such a case, too.

6) Anomalous HVV couplings (Tomohisa Ogawa)
 Trying to reproduce Takubo’s result.
   Signal: e+e- -> Zh -> vv WW* -> vv4q
 Event selection
    6-variable MVA:
    #PFOs, -logY23, -logY34, E_missing, costh_h, Pt_h
    flavor tagging: remove b’s and require 2c 
 Phi (angle between two decay planes of W’s) reconstruction
    Mass fit in each phi bin to get #signals.
       -> Mass fit seems reasonable
       -> Shape difference observed between generated and reconstructed 
          phi distributions.
 First try to see the sensitivity of phi measurement to anomalous couplings.
Next Step:
- Compare the data selection with Takubo’s analysis and make sure that the selection
 is at least as good as the previous analysis before moving on to the anomalous coupling
- Check the phi angle calculation.

7) enW (Koya Tsuchimoto)
  Detector benchmark (JER)
  Direct mW measurement
  Anomalous WWA, WWZ couplings
  Ecm=250GeV, 250fb-1
  Generator level study
     mW distribution well modeled by a BW with running width.
  Reconstructed mW mass
     Observed asymmetry in the mW distribution:
        most probably from missing neutrinos and detector effects 
        -> neutrino effects have been confirmed by looking at mW for 
           W->cs and W->ud separately.
        studying the effects of lepton rejection
     Mass scale calibration using Z->qq
Next Step:
- Reduce the effect of missing neutrinos.
- Jet energy calibration.
- Study systematic errors.
C: Check the polarization used for the cross section calculation.

8) High level reconstruction (Masakazu Kurata)
 Now focusing on
   Vertex mass recovery -> OK
   Flavor separation in 0 vtx case
   Vertex finding (with vtx charge assignment)
- 0 vtx case: Signed impact parameter
   K from D: larger impact parm, more collinear to jet axis, more energetic.
   -> BNess tagger (developed in CDF) -> How to do bc separation?
         BNess (Track MVA to ID tracks from heavy flavor)
         BNess = BNess(bl)+BNess(bc)
   -> bc separation is better for +ve impact parameter than -ve.
   Particle ID
     Just taking highest score tracks does not work very well 
     except for lepton tracks (~soft lepton tagger)
   Mass using BNess tracks (mass with final BNess>0.8)
- Vertex finding:
   vtx charge:
      -> slight (a few %) improvement for the fraction of correct charge assignment.
   No. of 2vtx jets increased.
      -> seems some problem with PandroPFA (cluster only unattached tracks)
- 0 vtx case:
 - Use particle type to improve BNess tagger.
 - Think about how to use BNess for flavor tagging.

9) Discussions: all
  See slides by Junping.

The slides shown at the meeting is available from
see them for details.

*) Meeting Schedule:
 Next general meeting (2015/04/11 10:30) : Conf.ID: 742

Working group web page:

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