The 37th General Meeting of ILC Physics Subgroup

Date/Time: 10:30~17:30 JST, Jun. 21, 2014 Place: Room 425, Building No.3, KEK Official Language: English Video Conference ID: 291 (KEK MCU2)
Since the 36th meeting on Apr. 19, 2014, the working group
had made significant progress, thanks to your contributions,
and we could successfully hold our 37th general meeting.

Thank you very much for those who participated in the meeting.
The following is a very short summary of the 37th meeting.
Minutes of the discussion session will be sent separately.

If you find any mistakes or accidental omissions, please let us know.

The next general meeting will be on August 30, 2014 (Conf.ID: 763).

Working group contact persons
A.Ishikawa, H,Ono, S.Kanemura, M.Kurata, T.Suehara
T.Tanabe, J.Tian, M.Nojiri, and K.Fujii

A Summary of The 37th General Meeting of the ILC Physics Subgroup
June 21, 2014 (Sat) at Room 425, Building 3, KEK
0) Attendants:
Present at KEK:
A.Ishikawa (Tohoku)
J.Strube   (Tohoku)
S.Watanuki (Tohoku)
C.Grews    (Tohoku)
C.Calancha (KEK)
Y.Okada    (KEK)
M.Nojiri   (KEK)
K.Fujii    (KEK)
J.Tian   (KEK)

T.Ogawa    (Sokendai)
A.Dubey    (Tohoku)
M.Kurata   (Tokyo)
T.Tanabe   (Tokyo)

K.Hidaka   (Gakugei)
H.Ono      (NDU)
S.Kanemura (Toyama)
H.Yokoya   (Toyama)
M.Kikuchi  (Toyama)
N.Machida  (Toyama)
T.Suehara  (Kyushu)

Remote connection:
K.Kotera   (Shinshu)
S.Kawada   (Hiroshima)
Y.Sudo     (Kyushu)

0) Opening comments (K.Fujii)

1) vvH: H \x{2014}> jj (Christian Drews)
- The study aims at updating the higgs mass at Ecm=250GeV to mh=125 GeV,
 while separating Higgsstrahlung and WW-fusion contributions to vvH.
- Results from template fitting
 Compared with the extrapolation from Ono’s results, H\x{2014}>cc precision 
 seems significantly worse. This might be improved, once LCFIplus is 
 tuned up at Ecm=250GeV.
 An interesting interference effect was found through generator level
 studies. This is, however, hard to observe after the smearing due to
 finite detector resolutions>
Next Step:
- Write up a summary.
- Study effects of overlay. 

2) ZH: Recoil mass using Z->ll (Shun Watanuki)
- eeX: new bremsstrahlung recovery
 \x{2014}> distribution became sharper.  
- Fitting
 Tried new fitting methods: Kernel estimation, CBX x Novosibirsk,
 Generally speaking the new methods provide better representation of 
 the line shape. However, for mass extraction, there is some problem.
Next Step:
- Investigate the problem with mass extraction.
- CP study.
C: Nice to see generator level plots for the production angle with 
  different eta values.
C: What about using Z decay angular distribution to extract eta.

3) ZH: Recoil mass study from p.o.v. of ECAL options (Tomohisa Ogawa)
  Z\x{2014}>qq: hadronic recoil mass: comparison of Si-ECAL and Sci-ECAL
- simulation conditions
  Ecm=350GeV, pol=(-0.8,+0.3)
  Z\x{2014}>qq, H\x{2014}>all, invisible (H\x{2014}>ZZ*\x{2014}>4v)
- analysis strategy (follow Mark Thomson)
- summary
 no significant difference for Z->ll
 The difference is not so significant also for Z\x{2014}>qq at Ecm=250GeV.
 At Ecm=350GeV, a slight difference has been seen.
Nest Step:
- MVA selecton.
C: Since the BG samples are common (generated with Si ECAL), the comparison
  is meaningful only between the signal samples.
C: For H->jets, the mass resolution is dominated by confusion in jet clustering.
  For the comparison of the ECAL technologies, we had better stick to the invisible
  decay analysis, where the recoil mass resolution is entirely determined by the
  jet energy resolution.

4) Higgs to tau tau (Shin-ichi Kawada)
 new from previous meeting:
 - 500 GeV vvH
     tau finder & kT clustering
 - 250 GeV: first try.
- Setup:
 Ecm=500GeV, 500fb-1, mh=125GeV
- Results:
 - vvH @ 500GeV with 500fb-1
   kT: R=0.5 chosen based on tau finder performance
   TMVA (double TMVA first w/o aa_2f): 14.7sigma for R=0.5
   \x{2014}> 6.8% on vvH followed by H->tau tau 
 - qqH @ 250 GeV with 250fb-1
   \x{2014}> 4.3% on qqH followed by H\x{2014}> tau tau
- Finalize 500 GeV analysis.
- Separte Zh and WW-fusion in vvh
- mh=125GeV analysis at Ecm=250GeV with correct tau polarization.

5) Top Yukawa coupling study at 500 GeV (Yuji Sudo)
 new: overlay low Pt beam background
- Setup:
 mh=125 GeV, 500fb-1 at Ecm=500GeV, 
 beam polarization=(-0.8,+0.3)
- Results:
 At AWLC14: (w/o kT clustering)
   8-jet  : S/sqrt(S+B)=2.04
   L+6-jet: S/sqrt(S+B)=2.42
   \x{2014}>delta y_t / y_t = 15.7%
 kT clustering for 8-jet
   \x{2014}> efficiency increase by 26%
   \x{2014}> expect improvement in precision.
Nest Step:
- Update the results with kT

6) 2HDM searches at the ILC in the 4 top quarks process (Hiroshi Yokoya)
 Searches for H/A \x{2014}> ttbar (low tan beta)
 e+e- \x{2014}> HA \x{2014}> tttt : O(1)fb for mH/A=450GeV (SM BG: 4ab @ 1TeV)
      photon collider: H/A \x{2014}> tt
 -> Simulation (theorist level;^)
    hadronization \x{2014}> smearing using TDR detector performance parameters.
Next Step:
- determination of mass and tan beta.
Q: Is there low tan beta constraints from LEP?
A: Not in the general 2HDM. There might be constraints from other low E measurements.

7) Radiative corrections to Higgs couplings in 2HDM (Mariko Kikuchi)
Setup: 2HDM
  M^2 = 2 m^3 / (sin 2*beta) : scale at which Z2 breaks.
  \x{2014}> 8 parameters, mh, mH, mA, mH+, v, alpha , beta, M^2
     tree level: kappa_W=sin(beta-alpha)
                 kappa_f=cos alpha / sin beta (, - sin alpha/cos beta)
     1-loop: calculated all yukawa couplings
                 possible to modify them by several %.
C: mass-coupling for SM in loop level is needed in order to compare this
  with the SM.
C: this comparison is made in on-shell scheme.
C: Fix kappa_v instead of sin^2(beta-alpha)?

8) m_nu, DM, baryogenesis from the SUSY gauge theory with confinement (Naoki Machida)
  SUSY SU(2)H gauge theory
  Why mu^2 < 0?, Where does lambda_SM come from?
Big questions:
- Baryon asymmetry
 1st order phase transition: phi_C/T_C >~ 1 (~ (50GeV/m_h)^2 in SM) \x{2014}> excluded.
 m_Phi^2 = M^2 + lambda_i v^2
- m_v
 radiative seesaw
 e.g. Ma model (2006)
     Phi’: inert scalar doublet
     v_R: Z2-odd right-handed v
     \x{2014}> m_v and DM (lightest Z2-odd particle)
 Aoki-Kanemura-Seto model (2009)
     Phi_SM + Phi_2 + S+/- + eta^0 + v_R
- Fundamental theory:
  slepton, squarks ~ 5TeV
Phenomenological consequences:
 - DM=v_R
 - m_v from v_R + hybrid radiative seesaw
 - EW Baryogenesis
 - collider phenomenology:
   - light inert doublet:
     e+e- \x{2014}> HA \x{2014}> ZHH
          -> H+H- \x{2014}> W+W-HH
   - Smoking gun evidence:
     e-e- \x{2014}> Omega- Omega- (v_R exchange)
Q: SUSY breaking mechanism?
A: several possibilities
A: we have to give up GUT.

9) H125 -> ccbar at full 1-loop level in MSSM (Keisho Hidaka)
  MSSM with QFV
    LHC SUSY, MSSM Higgs bosons
    b->sgamma, DeltaM_Bs, Bs->mu+mu-, B+->tau+ nu, etc.
    M_1=170, M_2=350GeV, M_3=1000GeV, …
[Large scharm-stop and stop_L stop_R mixings 
   + large trilinear couplings (T_U23,T_U32,T_U33)]
  -> su_1,2-su_1,2-h0 coupling large 
  -> gluino loop large 
  -> h0 -> ccbar large!
  MSSM partial width for h0->ccbar can be ~50% larger than SM.
theoretical uncertainty ~ 2% (from renormalization scale dependence)
                             ~ 4% (from error of charm mass m_c(m_c))
  -> experimental error      ~ 3% (at ILC(500GeV)_LumiUP)
Q: Does top Yukawa receive a similar big deviation?
A: Yes. working on it now.
Q: Is this large deviation for h0 \x{2014}> ccbar a unique feature of this model?
A: needs to measure deviation pattern of various observables to fingerprint the model.

10) Tools for ILC cross section database (Constantino Calancha)
- Web interface
   Ecm: mandatory \x{2014}> cross section info.
- Command line tool
   preferred method is to use the tool on kekcc.

11) General particle ID study and its application (Masakazu Kurata)
- In search of possible analysis improvement:
 Possible lepton ID improvements using
   dE/dx in TPC
   Shower profile in ECAL&HCAL
   \x{2014}> lepton ID ~30% improvement has been achieved.
   Energy correction
- MC matching
   improved and now matching efficiency is ~100%.
   \x{2014}> mu ID    : 80% (AWLC) \x{2014}> 70%
      hadron ID: 68% (AWLC) \x{2014}> 75%
- Energy correction
 by correct mass assignment using particle ID:
 -> moves m_Z and m_H to the right direction
- b-tagging
 decay products are being investigated to get some hints for improvements.
Next Step:
- p-ID optimization
- study B decay more
- study D meson decay
C: pi0 reconstruction may be useful for c-tagging?
Q: Does pi0 mass constraint help energy scale calibration?

12) Physics case for the ILC: Post LHC8 (Tomohiko Tanabe)
Tomohoko presented a set of slides being prepared as background material
for the MEXT’s ILC physics review. The material has been worked on by
the LCC physics working group and a ad hoc local working group. 

The slides shown at the meeting is available from
see them for details.

Discussions on future direction and milestones
*) Discussions
Following the presentation by Tomohiko, we discussed the future direction of the 
working group activities. 
a) short-term goal:
 Be prepared for the review of ILC physics case by the physics WG set up under 
 the MEXT expert panel. For this we should be flexible and take action as needed.
b) middle-term goal:
 Provide inputs to the LCC ILC-parameter WG for staging scenarios.
c) longer-term goal:
 Be prepared for the LHC Run2.
For (b) and (c), our next milestone is the LCWS 2014 in Belgrade, Oct. 6-10.
Going through Tomohiko’s slides, we tried to identify places where we need updating
or new studies.
More information on the discussions will later be circulated separately.

*) Meeting Schedule:
 Next general meeting (2014/08/30 10:30) : Conf.ID: 763

Working group web page:
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 10:30 10:40
      Opening Remarks 10m
      Speaker: Keisuke Fujii (IPNS, KEK)
    • 10:40 10:55
      vvH, H-->jj 15m
      Speaker: Mr Christian Drews (Tohoku University)
    • 10:55 11:10
      Higgs recoil mass study using Z-->ll 15m
      Speaker: Shun Watanuki (Tohoku University)
    • 11:10 11:25
      Higgs recoil mass study from p.o.v of ECAL options 15m
      Speaker: Tomohisa Ogawa (Shinshu University)
    • 11:25 11:40
      Higgs branching ratios study using H--> tau tau 15m
      Speaker: Shin-ichi Kawada (Hiroshima University)
    • 11:40 11:55
      Top-Yukawa coupling study at 500 GeV 15m
      Speaker: Yuji SUDO (Kyushu University)
    • 11:55 13:15
      Lunch 1h 20m
    • 13:15 13:35
      2HDM searches at the ILC in the four top-quarks process 20m
      Speaker: Dr Hiroshi Yokoya (University of Toyama)
    • 13:35 13:55
      Radiative corrections to Higgs coupling constants in two Higgs doublet models 20m
      Speaker: Ms Mariko Kikuchi (University of Toyama)
    • 13:55 14:15
      The 125 GeV Higgs boson decay h^0 -> c cbar at full one-loop level in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model with nonminimal Quark Flavor Violation 20m
      Speaker: Keisho Hidaka (Tokyo Gakugei University)
    • 14:15 14:35
      Neutrino mass, dark matter and baryogenesis from the supersymmetric gauge theory with confinement 20m
      Speaker: Naoki Machida (University of Toyama)
    • 14:35 14:45
      Coffee 10m
    • 14:45 15:00
      Tools for ILC cross section database 15m
      Speaker: Dr Constantino Calancha Paredes (ILC (KEK))
    • 15:00 15:15
      General Particle ID study and its application 15m
      Speaker: Dr Masakazu Kurata (The University of Tokyo)
    • 15:15 15:45
      Physics Case for the ILC: Post-LHC8 30m
      Speakers: Keisuke Fujii (IPNS, KEK), Tomohiko Tanabe (The University of Tokyo)
    • 15:45 17:45
      Discussion: task force - new physics search capabilities at ILC (complement to LHC)
      (each item starts with the person who raised question or comment and the persons who answered or gave response if there were)
      (note: 1. page number if appeared refers to Tomohiko’s talk; 2. “HOMEWORK” if appeared means work needs be done relatively quickly; though responsible person for each homework is not always clearly written here, it should be becoming clear rather soon.)

      a.) K.Fujii: general comments that importance of top physics should be enhanced.
      b.) Y.Okada: response to several related concern about the running scenario of ILC to be presented, we should first focus on NP at 500 GeV ILC which is the proposal (staging from 250 GeV is included by default), then add another set of NP opportunities at all lifetime of ILC, e.g. including1 TeV ILC, gam-gam collider option.
      c.) K.Hidaka: deviation of coupling Hcc to SM value could be larger due to QFV, which is very difficult to be discovered at LHC, but can be a good opportunity at ILC.
      d.) K.Fujii: do we need add more explanation to the plot of Higgs coupling deviation pattern in MCHM5 (page 14), i.e. some basics about the composite models?
      e.) Y.Okada: the DM relic abundance estimated from LHC measurement has been excluded (page 49), we should update that plot by using ILC measurements only to calculate DM relic abundance. (HOMEWORK)
      f.) K.Fujii: in SUSY chargino and neutralino precision mass measurement (page 32) which was done at LoI, the assumed model parameter has been excluded, it’s urgent to update that simulation study. (HOMEWORK)
      g.) M.Nojiri: regarding model independent NP search, we need update search of heavier scalar boson via e+e- ―> ZS, setting cross section limitat different energies for different scalar mass. (HOMEWORK)
      h.) K.Fujii & Y.Okada & S.Kanemura: regarding the possible output, opportunity matrix, which was discussed in last general physics meeting, S.Kanemura is going to prepare a first version of opportunity matrix from theoretical point of view taking into account possible yields of LHC run 2, supposed to be presented at coming ILC Summer Camp. (HOMEWORK)
      i.) K.Fujii & S.Kanemura: regarding the approach to probe composite Higgs model (page 17), we need make that plot more understandable, i.e. what is m*, and possibly indicate connection to models with extra dimension.
      j.) T.Tanabe & M. Nojiri K.Fujii: for the impact of composite Higgs models on top sector (page 19), we need put current experimental constraints on that plot (top coupling deviation pattern for various models). (HOMEWORK)
      k.) T.Tanabe & Y.Okada & S.Kanemura & K.Fujii: how can we improve the plot of coupling ratio (HWW/Hbb) deviation versus heavier Higgs mass (page 23)? It’s actually not tree-level calculation, radiation correction from Higgs potential has been calculated in the coupling ratio; but the MSSM (mainly 2HDM part) prediction line is only for one specific model parameter, we need add more prediction lines on that plot corresponding to more parameter space. Another question is how we can select the lines? (HOMEWORK)
      l.) T.Tanabe & Y.Okada: how can we show better the comparison of LSP search at ILC versus gluino search at LHC (page 30), do we need assume the mass relation at mSUGRA and AMSB? we can use similar strategy in the plot of neutralino mass versus gluino mass in page 45, by adding various model lines. (HOMEWORK)
      m.) J.Tian & Y.Okada: what’s the long term plan? in addition to the short term goal for MEXT presentation, we need continuously prepare and improve NP search at ILC in particular we need quick response in case of any new ex periment result from LHC run 2, or any new request fromdecision makers; for middle term plan we need present some output from this task force at LCWS14.
      n.) J.Tian: most of NP search in current talk are indirect search from precision measurements of Higgs and top couplings, we can think about more direct searches, i.e. heavier Higgs discovery in extended Higgs sector.
      o.) K.Fujii: we need finish up still missing Higgs related analyses (being updated with Higgs mass of 125 GeV). (HOMEWORK)
      p.) general: more discussion can be carried on at coming 10th meeting of Toyama New Higgs Working Group (July 12-13).
      q.) general: it's very important to keep the ongoing effort within international collaboration framework, and be coordinated together with LCC physics working group.