Miguel-Angel Villarejo Bermudez
(Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (ES))
The current generation of solid-state position sensitive devices has better precision, greater
integration and less material than previous generations of detectors. Detector solutions have been
developed for 50 micron thin, small-pixel sensors with a resolution of a few microns. Ultra-thin
sensors require new concepts for mechanical support that maintain good thermo-mechanical performance at a fraction of the material budget traditionally reserved for these services. New ideas
for support structures and integrated low mass powering and cooling systems must be characterized thoroughly before finding their way into the experiment.
The talk will address the thermo-mechanical performance of thin self-supporting all-silicon
ladders and petals in the LC environment. The effect of a pulsed power supply on the mechanical
and thermal stability is evaluated. Two strategies are explored for cooling as the air cooling and
micro-channel cooling. The thermo-mechanical properties of dummy sensors are studied, analysed and compared with a finite element simulation. We characterize rapid thermal excursions,
vibrations and deformations due to the air cooling and power pulsing. A first mock-up of the
Forward Tracker Disks for the ILD detector is presented.