The questions attached to each talk are extracfts from the LDC scetch document. They are meant as guidelines for the speakers, but should not limit the speaker from raising additional points.
Marco Battaglia
17/08/2005, 08:30
Vertex detector configuration, overall review of the
different options on the market
Sonja Hillert
17/08/2005, 08:40
The role of the beam pipe radius and its optimisation for the VTX detector
Steve Aplin
17/08/2005, 08:50
How large should the TPC be? How close should the ECAL end cap be to the endplate of the TPC? How much material in front of the end cap is acceptable? How much material can be tolerated in front of the barrel calorimeter?
Klaus Moenig
17/08/2005, 09:00
In the forward direction, the FTD is currently a system of pixels and disks. How important is its material. How stable is forward tracking? What are the important performance goals for tracking in the forward region?
Aurora Savoy Navarro
17/08/2005, 09:10
The SIT was introduced for track merging and for V0 efficiency reasons. These studies should be redone. Is the current SIT and SET layout optimal? Which role does the material play in the overall track reconstruction?
Lee Sawyer
17/08/2005, 09:20
How important is the FCH behind the TPC? Do we need stand-alone tracking capability in there, or is a simple device which adds one or two hits sufficient? Which technology is optimal for the FCH?
Alexei Raspereza
17/08/2005, 09:30
What is the possible particle flow performance? What have we achieved? (this will be a brief summary of results which will be presented in more detail int he PF session on Monday)
Graham Wilson
17/08/2005, 09:40
What is optimal thicknes of the ECAL/ HCAL? What is the optimal sampling structure? Is the approach used in the LDC detector so far ok, can it be improoved?
Marcello Piccolo
17/08/2005, 09:50
What is the basic design of the muon system? What can be improved?