LDC meeting at Snowmass

Snowmass, Colorado

Snowmass, Colorado

LDC contact team
Agenda of the meeting of the LDC team at Snowmass 2005
    • 09:00 14:20
      Detector Plenary

      time not final

      • 14:00
        The LDC concept 20m
        Speaker: Dean Karlen
    • 08:30 10:00
      Introductory Session
      • 08:30
        Introduction 5m
        Speaker: Ties Behnke
        more information
      • 08:35
        The VTX detector within LDC 25m
        Speaker: Steve Worm
        more information
      • 09:00
        The tracking system in LDC 25m
        Speaker: Ties Behnke
        more information
      • 09:25
        Calorimetry for a PF detector 30m
        Speaker: Steve Magill
        more information
    • 10:30 12:00
      Introduction into Tools for LDC
      • 10:30
        Introduction into ILC software for LDC 30m
        Speaker: Frank Gaede
      • 11:00
        MARLIN-Reco 15m
        Speaker: Steve Aplin
      • 11:15
        Tutorial 45m
        Speaker: many
    • 08:30 10:00
      Facing LDC questions and planning the work

      The questions attached to each talk are extracfts from the LDC scetch document. They are meant as guidelines for the speakers, but should not limit the speaker from raising additional points.

      • 08:30
        Vertex Detector issues 10m
        Vertex detector configuration, overall review of the different options on the market
        Speaker: Marco Battaglia
        more information
      • 08:40
        Physics potential of vertex detector as function of beam pipe radius 10m
        The role of the beam pipe radius and its optimisation for the VTX detector
        Speaker: Sonja Hillert
        more information
      • 08:50
        TPC issues 10m
        How large should the TPC be? How close should the ECAL end cap be to the endplate of the TPC? How much material in front of the end cap is acceptable? How much material can be tolerated in front of the barrel calorimeter?
        Speaker: Steve Aplin
        more information
      • 09:00
        Forward Tracking 10m
        In the forward direction, the FTD is currently a system of pixels and disks. How important is its material. How stable is forward tracking? What are the important performance goals for tracking in the forward region?
        Speaker: Klaus Moenig
        more information
      • 09:10
        SI-based tracking in LDC 10m
        The SIT was introduced for track merging and for V0 efficiency reasons. These studies should be redone. Is the current SIT and SET layout optimal? Which role does the material play in the overall track reconstruction?
        Speaker: Aurora Savoy Navarro
        more information
      • 09:20
        Forward tracking and the TPC 15m
        How important is the FCH behind the TPC? Do we need stand-alone tracking capability in there, or is a simple device which adds one or two hits sufficient? Which technology is optimal for the FCH?
        Speaker: Lee Sawyer
        more information
      • 09:30
        Particle Flow review 10m
        What is the possible particle flow performance? What have we achieved? (this will be a brief summary of results which will be presented in more detail int he PF session on Monday)
        Speaker: Alexei Raspereza
        more information
      • 09:40
        Calorimeter optimisation 10m
        What is optimal thicknes of the ECAL/ HCAL? What is the optimal sampling structure? Is the approach used in the LDC detector so far ok, can it be improoved?
        Speaker: Graham Wilson
        more information
      • 09:50
        The Muon System 10m
        What is the basic design of the muon system? What can be improved?
        Speaker: Marcello Piccolo
        more information
    • 10:30 12:00
      Facing LDC questions II: preparing the joint MDI s
      • 10:30
        LDC experimental infrastructure 30m
        Speaker: Klaus Sinram (DESY)
        more information
      • 11:00
        Machine constraints on the magnetic field 10m
        Speaker: Karsten Buesser
        more information
      • 11:10
        LDC answers to the MDI questions 30m
        Speaker: Karsten Buesser
        more information
    • 13:30 15:30
      Joint session with MDI
    • 16:00 17:30
      Organizing LDC at snowmass
      • 16:00
        organizing LDC 1h 30m
        Set up working groups for the main areas of detector optimsation. Prioritize the questions discussed in the morning session. Define goals for snowmass (and beyond).
        Speaker: all
        more information
    • 17:30 18:00
      Discussion with concept groups
      • 17:30
        Review of LDC status and work 15m
        Speaker: all
    • 17:00 18:15
      Discussion with concept groups
      • 17:00
        GLD optimsation 30m 0--Elbert


        Snowmass, Colorado

      • 18:00
        LDC discussion 15m 0--Sinclair


        Snowmass, Colorado

        more information
    • 17:00 18:00
      Discussion with concept groups
      • 17:00
        Calorimetry and gaps 10m
        How important are gaps between the calorimeter components? How important are gaps between the calorimeters and other components such as the TPC? What is the penalty for a round TPC inside an octagonal ECAL, if any? How efficient is the TPC for detecting backscattered particles. How important are these? What is the optimal transition barrel – end cap done? Is the current scheme of a long barrel in front of the end cap optimal? Are there alternatives?
        Speaker: Mike Ronan
      • 17:10
        The B-field and the tracker 20m
        What quality of the field do we need in the TPC, SIT, and other detectors? How can we measure and monitor the field distortions at the required level of accuracy? Can the large distortions in the large crossing angle be accounted for? Can control samples be used to improve the knowledge of the field map? Does it make sense to eliminate the plug, at the cost of a shorter magnet and thus a less homogeneous field?
        Speaker: Dan Peterson
        more information
      • 17:30
        On the magnetic field requirements for a TPC 15m
        Speaker: Ron Settles
        more information
    • 17:00 18:00
      Discussion with concept groups
      • 17:00
        ECAL- HCAL optimisation 10m
        Speaker: Felix Sefkow
      • 17:10
        Calorimeter optimization 10m
        Speaker: Henri Videau
      • 17:20
        Review of LDC status and plans 10m
        Speaker: all
    • 08:30 09:30
      • 08:30
        open for working group discussions 1h
    • 10:00 12:00
      Joint GLD LDC SiD session on particle flow
      • 10:00
        Gamma finder 15m
        Speaker: Fujikawa
      • 10:20
        PFA algorithm 15m
        Speaker: Yoshioka
      • 10:40
        discussion on physics case for granularity 50m
        Speaker: Henri Videau
    • 13:30 17:30
      LDC discussion session
      • 13:30
        LDC costing discussion 30m
        Speaker: Henri Videau
      • 14:00
        working group breakout discussions 3h 30m
    • 15:30 18:00
      LDC discussion session
    • 08:30 09:30
      • 08:30
        report from forward detectors discussion group + discussion 1h
        Speaker: Wolfgang Lohmann
    • 10:00 12:00
      • 10:00
        report from PFA discussion group + discussion 2h
        Speaker: Mark Thomson / Alexei Raspereza
    • 13:30 15:30
      GLD summary session

      No LDC session scheduled so people can attend the GLD summary session.

      more information
    • 16:00 17:30
      • 16:00
        report from magnetic field discussion group + discussion 30m
        Speaker: Dan Peterson
        more information
      • 16:30
        report from "Si" tracking discussion group + discussion 1h
        Speaker: Aurore Savoy-Navarro